Where is the limit of faith?
id: 10046521

If you make a list of our fears, then there may be a bunch of points. The conclusion is simple: if there is fear, then there is no faith in these areas of life, and it turns out that we are moving not by positive attitudes of faith, but by fear. How many intelligent decisions can you make while fearful?
The sages said that faith is not a state of fearlessness, but rather the ability to experience fear using the power of your awareness. What does mindfulness mean? For me, this is presence in this particular period of time. That is, in other words "live here and now", and not the past and the future.
But, if we choose to realize our fear and not fight it, and at the same time do not give up the relationship, then this raises us to a new level of faith.
So it is in other matters. As in the song that Boyarsky sang - "Up, I say to myself and take a step!". There is always doubt, uncertainty or fear - and these are the limits of our faith.
But having identified fears in oneself, they must be experienced, like any feeling, to go all the way, but not be guided by them in making decisions. This is a kind of ability for conscious suffering, through which faith grows. This does not mean that we are no longer aware of fears, but we are moving to the understanding that we have much more space for choice and action than we thought.
Everything in life must be taken consciously, because every event, feeling, relationship teaches us and forms something new. And then we feel life in the fullness of colors and shades.
