How to be a good mom? This article is for women who become moms and want to have children later
id: 3096291


The definition of a good mother depends on who you ask. But most people would agree that the most important thing is to love their children and make them feel loved. There are no established rules on how to be a good mother. That's why we've compiled some essentials that you can use to lovingly parent your child. If you feel overwhelmed by your responsibility, make sure you get help from the support system and reach out to family and friends for help.

Show Your Love Often

Express your love with words of hug, kiss and approval. Caring for your children makes them feel unconditionally loved. In addition, this is linked to higher self-confidence, better school success, fewer behavioral problems, and a stronger relationship with the child in general. [1]
Make sure that your interactions with your children are mostly positive and loving. Make an effort every day to show interest.
If you have a baby, you can show your interest by holding them and talking comfortably.

Spend One-on-One Time with Your Kids

It is important to spend quality time to build good relationships with each of their children. If you have more than one child, try to pay attention to each individual rather than as a group. Make time - even for a short time - to communicate with each child. [2]
If you're interested in your baby or little one, you can spend one-on-one time sitting on the floor and playing with them.
If your kid is older, try a hobby together, like cooking together, going for a walk, or even doing handicrafts.
Show Your Support

Confirm your child's interests and help them feel valued. While there may not be things you prefer for yourself, nurturing your child's interests can help strengthen the child's sense of self-confidence and make them feel confident in their own life. These interests may come and go, so be prepared that interests change quite often. [3]
If your teen has joined a band, give him positive feedback on the songs he wrote.
If your middle school kid is obsessed with space, buy him books and take him on a trip to the skyhouse.
Love Your Children Unconditionally

This will make your children feel confident in themselves and in you. Let your kid know that even if he's not achieving something or you have to discipline him, he still loves him. As a parent, all you have to do is love your child the way he is, not the way you want him to be. [4]
Avoid criticizing or blaming your child for their mistakes. Instead, focus on what the child can do better next time.
Make Clear and Strict Rules

Talk to your children about what is acceptable and what is not. Organize a family meeting to voice the rules and make sure everyone understands the consequences of breaking the rules. Then hang up a copy of these rules in a public place such as a refrigerator. [5]
The rules are clear and concise, but keep positive statements. For example; "No running at home!" instead, "Everyone should walk in the house."
Depending on the age of your children, you can have a debate with them to decide the rules and penalties. You can start this when the child is clear of the possible consequences of his misbehavior.
Apply Sanctions

You made the rules and your children must follow them. You don't need to be overly careful about discipline. If your child arrives 5 minutes later than the time you have set, you can still take him home. But make sure you make sure your rules are followed so the kids understand that you're serious about it.
Educating your children for breaking the rules does not necessarily mean being tough. Criticize the behavior rather than the child. You might say: “Cengiz, what do you have to do instead of pushing your brother? Since you're pushing, you'll have to wait another 5 minutes for your turn to show how patient you can be. ”
Make sure your rules make sense. For example, if your child is watching too much TV and hasn't finished their homework, consider limiting the amount of time they watch TV.
Try to Apply Your Advice

Think about the model you set for your children. If you're telling them not to lie, you shouldn't lie either. If you often talk about the importance of a healthy diet, try to stick to a balanced diet. Children are more likely to follow the rules if you follow them too. [7]
This includes setting an example for things like being a hard worker, not using drugs or alcohol.
Accept When Faulty

Become a mother who admits that she's not perfect and bill that it's normal. When you admit your mistakes and apologize for them, you respect your children as human beings. Admitting their own mistakes shows their children that making mistakes - if they admit their mistakes and apologize - is nothing to be ashamed of. [8]
For example; if you accidentally compare one child with another, “Kemal, I want to apologize to you. Yesterday I compared you to your brother and I shouldn't have done that. You are both special people with their own unique qualities. Do you forgive me?" admit that you are wrong.
Share Responsibilities with Spouse

Good mothers don't try to do everything by themselves. If you have a spouse, ask them to share the load. If you get overwhelmed, ask him to do more work so you can have a rest. You can also give him specific tasks to do so he doesn't get caught in a deadlock.
You can say: "Honey, how many days I haven't slept well. Even if I go to bed early, what if you put the kids to bed tonight?".
If you don't have a partner, you can find other solutions to this. Try getting support from a good friend or family member.
Set an Example in Healthy Relationships

Teach your kids how to treat people properly. Always treat others with respect and courtesy in your dealings with your spouse, ex-spouse, family members, friends, or other people around you. Tell them what it means to be a good friend or wife by teaching them to listen, compromise and share with others.
When you and your spouse disagree on something (minor issues), use this lesson-effective moment to show your children how to resolve disagreements.

Leave time for yourself

You shouldn't feel guilty about taking a break every once in a while. This sends a message to your kids about the importance of managing stress and taking time for yourself. Also, spending time away from him helps them learn to do something on their own by being free.
Being overly stressful affects your children, so take your time every day. This could be going into the water every evening to unwind with a book or enjoy a cup of coffee in silence every morning before the children wake up. Just don't forget to take care of yourself!
Don't be afraid to tell your child that you will have some time for yourself. Tell them what it means to take care of yourself and ask what they are doing for it. This will ensure that their children adopt a healthy habit.
In Stressful Times Try Breathing Deeply

High stress situations happen in parenting. If you feel like you are losing control, stop and take a few deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth. It can also help to count to 10 before reacting to the situation. If you calm yourself down first, you can work on thinking of a solution without bursting.]
Meditation and yoga can also help lower your stress levels throughout the day.
Get Support From Support Group

When you are overwhelmed with work, your friends and family members can help. Reach out to a close friend or family member if you need it, even just to chat or get out of the house. You can also join a local mothers group to communicate with other mothers. [13]
Join mothers' groups in your neighborhood or meet mothers of their children's schoolmates at venues like the park.
It is equally important to communicate with others not only as a mother, but also as a woman! Hang out with your girlfriends, go on dates, and value family relationships too.
Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. It is really important to have a support system, especially right after you bring your baby home
