How to become a better husband?
id: 3096291

How to Become a Better Husband?

In This Article: Keeping the Relationship Healthy Behaving Properly at Home
Every marriage is unique, but there are general rules that every married man (and woman) must follow. By reading this article, you can learn how to solidify your marriage and become the best husband you can be.
(thank you for reading bulent)

Keeping the Relationship Healthy

Learn to communicate. Open and honest communication is the basis of a healthy relationship. This also plays a key role in building trust. When communication is not correct, people can burn quilts for fleas. Keep your relationship firm and avoid constant bickering by expressing yourself regularly.
Talk about it the first time it arises, instead of throwing problems into it and getting more annoyed over time.
Learn how to be diplomatic while arguing. Don't be overly defensive if your wife is criticizing you. Similarly, try not to be accusatory or angry when talking about issues about him.
Listen to him. Communicating well isn't just about knowing how to speak. When your wife is speaking, it is very important that you give your full attention to her. Look into his eyes, ask him questions, and don't look at his phone or his computer screen if he's talking about something important.
If you're upset for any reason, let him know clearly, instead of ignoring him or acting like ice. Thus, it will not take over your partner's behavior and will provide you with the loneliness you need.

Agree to compromise. A healthy relationship is mutual. Throughout your marriage, you will inevitably have to compromise certain things to keep him happy; the same goes for him. If either of you is consistently accepting the other's requests with no reciprocity, they will probably resent the other over time.

Spend time away from him when necessary. In long-term relationships, it's natural for couples to need to spend time alone to relax and focus on themselves. There's nothing wrong with the need to spend time away from him, but it's important to speak out and convince him not to take this request personally.
Set a "free" day a week or a month where you can do what you want and let him do the same. If you have children, one of you can take turns looking at them and the other can go out.
Never lie to avoid spending time with your wife. If he really loves you, he'll realize that you need to be alone or go out with friends for a night.

Behaving Properly at Home

Help him with the housework. Studies show that the average woman does ten hours more housework per week than her husband! Help balance the workload with washing dishes, vacuuming the house, cleaning bathrooms, gardening, repairs, and more.
The important thing is that you help out with household chores even when you don't want to directly ask you to do anything. Remember, keeping the house clean and tidy is not only your partner's duty, but also yours.
If you have children, help the wife by offering to take the children from school, or take care of the children if she has a job.

Respect his cleanliness standards. Some people feel more comfortable in a messy environment than others. To ensure that both of you are comfortable in your home, the person most sensitive to cleanliness, make sure the house meets his or her standards.
Just because you don't mind having the dishes in the sink overnight, your wife doesn't have to obey you and you have to respect it. If it's the messy snow, then remind him, without hesitation, to gather around him every now and then.

Pick up your mess. Even if your program doesn't allow you to devote extra time to household chores, this is no excuse for not collecting your own mess. You can at least wash your own dishes, laundry and put the clothes in place.
If you are very busy during the week, spend an hour or two on cooking, cleaning and / or gardening on the weekends.
Keep some mystery.
Living with someone means lowering your guard and seeing the less attractive sides of the other person. While this level of comfort is a true indicator of intimacy, it can reduce your sexual attraction to each other in the long run.
Do not neglect your personal hygiene, respect your toilet manners and make an effort to stay in shape.

Big Effects of Small Behaviors

Touch each other every day.
Regular skin contact releases the stress-relieving chemical called oxytocin and strengthens the feeling of intimacy in the long term.
Physical contact does not necessarily mean sex. Kiss him every time you leave, hug him each time you meet again, and snuggle up with him while watching a good movie.

Laugh together.
Every marriage has its ups and downs. The only way to get through the tough times is to keep your sense of humor and be funny once in a while. You don't have to be a stand-up comedian, but you have to make an effort every day to make him (and your) face smile.
Buy tickets to a comedy show, throw a game party with your friends at home, or go out for sports together; it doesn't matter what it is, just laugh and have fun together!
Laughing regularly not only improves your marriage; It also improves your health by lowering your blood pressure, increasing blood to the brain, and lowering your stress level. [3]

Surprise him.
You shouldn't stop trying to earn your love just because you got the ring on your finger. Once in a while, behave sweetly, romantically, as you did at the beginning of your relationship. Buy her flowers, find tickets to a show she loves, or plan a romantic surprise night.
Couple therapy can be helpful if you and your wife are constantly fighting. Getting an impartial opinion can help you and your wife reach a healthy compromise, gain insight that you could not achieve on your own.
As your marriage develops, you will learn more about your wife's habits, order, and preferences. Appreciation of his traits will make you closer and more sincere to each other.
Please remember all women are flowers. always give them flowers please.
