1. Set a deadline
If you need to make an important decision, but there is no clear deadline by which it needs to be done, set it yourself.
At the same time, it is important that the deadlines are realistic. It is not necessary to postpone the decision for a couple of years, but forcing yourself to make a choice in two hours is also not the best idea.
2. Stop collecting information in time
Information is important, but the more data there is, the more confusion and doubt there is. In addition, the research itself requires time and effort. Therefore, at some point, you need to tell yourself "stop" and limit yourself to the knowledge that you already have.
Let's say you want to buy a country house. If you thoroughly study each area, and learn absolutely everything from transport accessibility and the state of the environment to building plans for the next ten years, you will go crazy. So it is worth highlighting a few key parameters that are most important to you and collecting data only about them.
3. Imagine that the choice has already been made
Here you are, waking up in a perfect tomorrow. What house do you live in? What kind of work do you go to? What color is your hair? And the walls in the living room?
If you dream a little, you can get to the bottom of what you really want, and make the best choice.
This "looking ahead" and acting on the opposite is one of the techniques of short-term therapy focused on finding solutions. This psychological approach helps you make choices quickly and painlessly.
4. Call an adviser
If there is someone in your environment who is reliable, honest and friendly, someone who is able to give you a reasoned opinion without offense, ask him about it. This can be a friend, partner, or parent.
5. Make decisions in the morning
The researchers concluded that at the beginning of the day and after a break for rest, the judges make more balanced and adequate decisions than in the evening, when they are tired and confused.
In principle, this pattern is logical and does not particularly need scientific verification. In the morning, we have more strength, we are not yet exhausted by the many choices that we had to make during the day. So if you have something important to solve, do it as soon as you wake up.
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