1. “I really love your food collection on Instagram. Let's order lobsters, how do you like? "
2. “I'm impressed that you ate a whole pizza yourself. Bravo!"
3. "The way you eat spaghetti carbonara drives me crazy"
4. "People who love cat videos as much as you do are at the highest level of human development."
5. “Your tweets are so meaningful. You are a genius of 140 characters! "
6. "You have a fantastic vocabulary."
7. "You are such an interesting person."
8. "And very attractive."
9. "And a little weird, but I really like it!"
10. "You have such an interesting job"
11. "You must have worked hard to achieve this."
12. "Being a CEO by 35 is a great goal."
13. "Ambition is very sexy"
14. “Are you a fan of Simone de Beauvoir? It's fine!"
15. "You are so well-read"
16. "If I could abolish patriarchy, I would do it for you."
17. "You have the most interesting collection of pictures of puppies with ice cream."
18. "I understand why you like Ryan Gosling"
19. "You have great taste for men."
20. "Do you remember so many quotes from" Sex and the City "
21. "Of course you should order yourself another cocktail."
22. “It's amazing how inspired you are by the series. Kerry Brandshaw and Mr. Big are really the perfect couple! "
23. "You look exactly like Taylor Swift."
24. "When you started talking about it, I see that you have something of Shakira"
25. "This is something in your energy"
26. "Actually, I'm surprised you agreed to meet me."
27. "Because you are just amazing!"
28. "Your nose wrinkles so cute when you laugh"
29. "You have the most sincere laugh"
30. "Seriously, I'll try to make you laugh again so I can hear it again."
31. "It's incredible that you know how incredible you are!"
32. "And you are not afraid to show it"
33. “A collection of tea bags? Very interesting, tell me more "
34. "Drinking wine is a great hobby!"
35. "I am glad that I can share with you your passion for wine"
36. "Oh, just look, you can sing like Taylor Swift."
37. "And dance like Shakira"
38. "Is it really already midnight, I was completely absorbed in our conversation"
39. "I totally respect your decision to go home."
40. "I fully respect your decision to stay with me."
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