Love at a distance does not exist. Many people are sure of this. They can't imagine their morning without a loved one. As soon as they wake up, they immediately need his presence, they need to hear his voice, squeeze his hand lightly, kiss him gently, even more gently, touch his cheek and smile at his still sleepy eyes. It is important for them to be close, the physical presence of a partner confirms that there is love, that they are not alone, they are loved, and their feelings are mutual. How can you feel it from a distance? How to feel it, this love? Love is about actions, not words. And from a distance, it turns into beautiful metaphors and juicy promises. But is this love? This is only possible in adolescence: for example, the first love can live for some time in letters. But who remembers how long her life lasted? Until a new hobby or admission to the institute, no more. So many people think. Very many people do not give love at a distance the right to exist. They laugh at her and do not believe in her sincerity. That's for nothing. They just don't know that love has different guises, it is always real, but only lovers can feel it. Not us, not idle onlookers and spies, she doesn't care about us, and that's right.
Long-distance love is only possible between mature people. Then it has a strong backbone of authenticity. Love at a distance is possible between people who have got rid of the round-the-clock desire to possess, who give the partner freedom, who trust each other unconditionally.
The main condition for long – distance love is trust.
For all relationships, this is important, but for long-distance relationships, it is acutely vital. Love will live as long as you trust. As soon as you start to doubt, to draw in your head what you are not sure of and what you can not confirm, as soon as you stop trusting in depth-everything, your relationship is better to end, then they will drag on a lifeless trail, and you will only get confused in it.
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