We all long for love and a loving relationship - perhaps more than anything else, and we all strive for that special relationship. Why, then, do so many people live alone, searching, hoping, but rarely finding what they want? If we desire love the most, why is the unprecedented number of divorces and broken families on the rise? Why are there so many single parents trying to raise their own children? Why do many people feel so lonely, so isolated in crowded cities? Maybe we are looking for love in the wrong place?
Contrary to popular belief, love is not the result of fate or luck, it does not "come and go", we create it ... and each of us has the ability to create it. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved, each of us has the ability to create relationships, the main thing in which is love. Whether we live now - alone or trapped in an unhappy, exhausted relationship - life can change, and we are the ones who can change it.
Let's change our life it together?
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