When a person is happy, he is overcome by a real storm of emotions. This is love, and tenderness, and passion. All feelings merge together, and all that a person feels is warmth spreading from within. It is a heat that rises from the heels to the very head. As if the sun had been hiding from the world behind the clouds for a long time and, finally, got out of its hiding place, showing itself to everyone around. Overwhelming emotions make you dizzy, and your lips spread themselves into a smile. When a person is happy, his eyes burn. No, they don't just sparkle. Each pair of eyes reflects something different. In brown eyes, you can see a sandstorm, exciting and fast. The ocean is splashing in blue eyes, exciting and noisy. Green eyes reveal soft grass that embodies tenderness and humility. And even gray eyes immediately acquire a different shade, similar to steel. And in all these eyes, thousands of lightning flashes, from blinding happiness.
I always knew that everyone has their own happiness. Someone sees him in the family. Coming home and seeing their loved ones, they rejoice and the very lightning flashes in their eyes. Someone sees happiness in true love. Being next to the second half, they feel the very warm rays of the sun penetrating under the skin. And someone sees happiness in money or beauty.
And it doesn't matter at all what kind of happiness someone has. The sensations are the same. All people feel the same when they experience happiness. That is why it is so attractive and so desirable.
But I realized something about happiness. Something very simple. To be happy, you need to be kind and gentle. You cannot achieve happiness by committing evil deeds. And you shouldn't chase after someone else's happiness. After all, when it falls into your hands, it may turn out that it is not yours. It may be that it does not make you happy. Happiness must be achieved by yourself. Grab it with your hands and never let go. You need to fight for your happiness. Pull it with all your might, not give it to other people. But you shouldn't overdo it either. After all, if you share your happiness, the world around you will be transformed. He will become kinder, more open, more gentle. People should stop being jealous of the happiness of others, and do something to get this happiness for themselves.
Happiness is to be enjoyed. Appreciate it. Protect. After all, happiness so easily and quickly flows through your fingers, leaving only pain, sadness and loss. And happiness must be shared with other people. One smile and a little joy can turn the earth upside down.
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