It is scientifically proven that men and women differ in their views of the world in the literal sense of the word: women have scattered vision, and men have focused vision. Hence, the difference is that women, having a well-developed so-called "lateral" vision and If a man likes a woman, then in most cases he will look at her intently, while a woman does not have to do this in the case of sympathy, she can look at the object she likes unnoticed by the object herself.
A familiar situation when a girl bought a new outfit and was sure that he would notice, he would like it. But no! He didn't notice! And this is not because he is inattentive, tired or busy, it is because a man's eye is designed so that he perceives fewer colors than a woman.
Women can distinguish more colors than men can. And the reason for the increased light sensitivity is explained very simply – in the women's eyes there are a greater number of cells responsible for the perception of color gamut. Therefore, men often remain indifferent to colors, not to mention their shades.
Men and women differ not only in vision, but also in feelings:
Women naturally feel pain more acutely, and may cry from the pain, and a man may not even understand it. But nature has also given women the ability to "better" endure severe and prolonged pain. And men, in turn, were able to lose all sensitivity to pain in moments of active physical effort or being in stressful situations that require them to mobilize all their forces.
These are examples of just some of our differences. But they also provide a visual representation of how nature has taken care of man, giving man and woman their own "strengths" that not only distinguish us, but also allow us to perfectly complement each other!
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