There are hundreds of rhetorical questions in the world, the answers to which are practically absent, or each person has his own, unique, individual answer. The definition of love, what is love and why someone needs it - this is exactly the case when there is no clear definition, because it simply cannot be.
And yet there are many factors that indicate that love lives among us, that we live it. There are internal and external indicators of the presence of this feeling and this state. A flying gait, joy in the eyes, the desire to create, create and multiply - this is love. The desire to possess, the desire to have, to hide from everyone, to retire only together and not share your happiness - this is also love. Such different concepts, completely opposite definitions, and the result is the same.
In the Soviet film "The Formula of Love" Count Cagliostro, who develops the formula for love, ultimately concluded that what love is - it is an opportunity to give one's life for another without hesitation. There is something so mystical, heroic, romantic, tragic in this ...
Our time is absolutely no different from life three or five centuries ago in the sense of human emotions and relationships - in the same way we sympathize with each other, get angry, make friends, fall in love, get married, raise children and continue to love throughout the time given to us from above, as well as our ancestors. Proceeding from this, you need to be able to keep in your soul the feeling of love pure, tender and true in relation to the object of love. They say that only the first and last love can be real, and all the rest are just a pastime, but after all, we all know in practice that all these concepts are rather arbitrary, and therefore it is not at all necessary to dwell on them and adhere to them.
Your love, your relationship is every time a new beautiful page of your life book and it should be written in such a way that there is no sense of the futility of writing it. When you are ready to devote your days and nights, your deeds and thoughts to a person, and he unconditionally does the same for his part, then you are lucky to have already met this or that only one who will help you to fully experience the state defined by the beautiful word love ...
And if your light feeling is treated as a consumer, then run away from such people and do not regret the separation, do not waste the diamonds of your soul on them. As folk wisdom says, do not throw pearls in front of pigs - they will not appreciate it anyway.
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