Humanity has accumulated a great deal of experience in interpersonal relations between men and women, but there is still no clear understanding of what the "Formula of Love" is, which largely determines our relationship. In our time of global digitalization and insane multitasking, the media are increasingly broadcasting that romantic partnership is an outdated and unattainable concept in real life. In our difficult and contradictory era, loneliness, depression and anxiety, alas, are constant companions of our life. And although modern society creates a cult of emotional independence, finding and maintaining romantic partnerships is more important than ever and has become an urgent need. What's more, it's time to acknowledge that love and romance are essential to our survival. And the good news is that love has no expiration date, it can be shaped according to your own taste and, if necessary, you can upgrade the relationship. Love is a code of survival genetically embedded in us, it is designed to make our life safer, it allows - along with the senses long known to us - to feel, feel, see life in its entirety, in all its wealth.
All recent studies unequivocally confirm that loneliness is perceived by the brain as a signal of danger and can cause both physical and mental pain, that the violent passion of the initial stage of a relationship and sexual novelty are overestimated, and that even the most unhappy couples can return intimacy to their relationship if they learn to look at your emotions a little differently. Moreover, a strong close relationship is the fulcrum on which a person's happiness and general well-being is built. A good relationship helps you stay healthy more effectively than proper nutrition; they are a better strategy for preserving youth than taking dietary supplements. Love and close relationships are key to learning the skills necessary for positive communication to exist. Research into the phenomenon of interpersonal relationships shows that excessive passion for material problems, consumerism as a way of life is accompanied by a loss of spirituality and will never cancel or replace the need for intimacy with another person.
The need for an emotional connection is implanted by nature into our very being, that it is impossible to replace it with something else. Safe and secure love helps you explore and grow. And most importantly, in order to maintain the warmth of a romantic relationship for life, support your partner in especially difficult life periods, treat each other with respect. Be emotionally open to communication. Avoid routine not only in life, but also in bed.
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