Remember the Victory, so that the terrible events of the war will never be repeated!!!
The holiday of May 9 is celebrated by the Russian people and the peoples of many other countries as the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, victory over Nazi Germany.
It has been celebrated for more than seventy years.
Why in the same Western Europe, it is celebrated much more modestly, without parades? Why do some people even in Russia believe that our celebrations are "pobedobesie", that people are led out to the processions of the "Immortal Regiment" almost at gunpoint?
In the Second World War, not only Germany lost, but also Europe, since most of Europe fought on the side of Germany, as part of the German armed forces and participated in all combat operations in all the occupied territories of the Soviet Union. Therefore, for them, May 1945 is not a victory. Perhaps that is why our holiday really looks like a "victory" for them?
We won, but the price of this victory was too high, and the exact data on the victims of the war are still not known..
115 thousand years. It's an eternity. And these figures show very well why we remember it, why we should not be called to forget it, why we should not be called to forgive it, and why we will celebrate it-whether someone likes it or not – always, and there is no getting away from it.
Our opponents may try to use myths to ennoble the defeated, to try to equalize the Stalinist and Hitlerite regime, which is not true. But this will not help – the memory of the Victory cannot be erased from our people by anything, it has already reached the genetic level. We won, and we won at a terrible cost. You can't forget it!!!
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