In my opinion, each of us finds answers to questions about love and ... does not find answers at all. Indeed, as Kozma Prutkov said “you cannot embrace the immense,” this great and mysterious feeling, which we all encountered at least once in our lives, cannot be described in words. What is love, really? The game of the hormones of the physical body or the fire that unknown, higher forces kindle in our hearts? In my opinion, both. Our body longs for passion, our soul prays for the sublime and unearthly. In the combination of these two incompatibilities, true love is born, which absorbs us without a trace. Maybe so?
Funny, isn't it? We can already explain how life is born, we have learned to clone human organs, control the most complex mechanisms, fly into space, but we still cannot fully explain the most natural and ancient feeling. Moreover, all new questions about the essence of love constantly arise among ordinary people and great scientists. And no one can give either an exact answer or at least any definition. 😳😳😳
Once upon a time, a very long time ago, we argued with my friend Marina, what kind of love can be considered genuine. And ... did not find an answer. Probably, love is so multifaceted and multifaceted that it is able to transform and take completely different forms, from frantic passion to quiet hidden tenderness, just one step, and, in fact, these are two sides of the same coin. I can only say one thing with certainty: true love does not accept reasoning. It is incompatible with logic and calculation, he hates pragmatism. If you ask yourself questions about why you love and find reasonable answers to them, then there can be no question of any genuine feeling. It is also pointless to ask your loved one why he chose you. If you receive a detailed report on your merits - well, this person is not indifferent to you, but this is also not love. Because, among other things, she, real and deep, does not tolerate conversations, allows you to communicate with your eyes, finger movements, body touch.
Man, in essence, is a lonely creature. He himself comes into this world and himself goes to other worlds. And in the short period of time that he exists on this earth, he needs to find answers to a lot of questions, some of which will probably even affect the future of our civilization. So, we have something to do. Therefore, maybe, just leave questions about love and not try to tear the veil of mystery from one of the few miracles that the Almighty gave us? Let the secret remain secret. And we'll just get drunk with love, losing our heads and forgetting about everything in the world! Am I right? I would love to hear your opinion. Anna.
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