1. Monogamous love exists
Some psychologists tend to believe that a person is polygamous on an instinctive, natural level. However, if you observe the world of fauna, you will notice that some species of mammals choose a single partner for life. For example, monogamy is present among animals such as gibbons, swans, wolves, albatrosses, and black vultures.
2. Sympathy is born during the first 4 minutes of dating
Falling in love is not born immediately. However, sympathy for a person always occurs during the first acquaintance, namely, during the first 4 minutes of communication.
3. Lovers ' hearts beat in sync
When lovers look into each other's eyes, their hearts surprisingly begin to beat in time. To date, scientists have not been able to scientifically explain this phenomenon.
4. Love affects the body like cocaine
The feelings of a person in love are almost identical to the euphoria that comes from a dose of cocaine.
5. Love replaces painkillers
It is proved that hugs and touches of a loved one can reduce pain. This is due to the fact that at this moment a special "pain-relieving" hormone is produced in the brain.
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