People who jump from novel to novel tend to believe that feelings are by definition short-lived, and those who have been married for many years are simply too lazy or cowardly to break it: bound by habit, shared living space, household, children and guilt - they are unhappy, but have come to terms with this state of affairs. Those who look happy - in fact, either pretend, or are among the rare lucky ones who won the jackpot in the love lottery.
And, nevertheless, even after experiencing several unsuccessful novels, we continue to "buy a lottery ticket": we fall in love, start a relationship and deep down we hope to one day join the ranks of old people who, having celebrated their golden wedding, continue to tenderly hold hands when they go out for a walk ...
At the same time, admiring and secretly envious of how much love lives in others, we rarely think about where it came from. As well as behind any other people's successes and achievements, we tend to see luck and special favor from heaven rather than effort and work, in happy couples we see only a facade, not knowing how much work has been invested in the foundation of this happiness. Olympic champions are not born with skates on their feet. Great scientists, writers and businessmen did not immediately become titled ones. It's just that all their fears, disappointments, falls and work on themselves are not as brilliant as success, and therefore they are not too striking.
The answer to the question "how long does love live?" - "eternity". Love cannot end. And the notorious three years, which are often mentioned, do not refer to love, but to falling in love. Considering this moment, everything falls into place. All these butterflies, numbness of limbs and a bouncing heart are just a game of hormones: this is how the body signals to us that we have met a suitable partner for procreation. The body is not interested in our dreams and plans, all these "lived happily ever after", its task is to make sure that we leave offspring. That is why at the first stages the brain is partially "turned off" so that we do not spoil everything with our reflections. This period is described as the time of "rose-colored glasses": we really do not notice any shortcomings of the beloved. Well, do not forget that both sides are trying to present themselves in the most favorable light ...
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