Why Successful And Attractive Women Are Scary To Men?
id: 10011793
A smart, successful and attractive wife is a valuable asset. Any man would be proud to show off to the world. Many men would like to look for a wife with those qualities. What men want and who they will marry are two different things.

The women may not be keen on a man who is lesser than her. What she wants is a man who is as successful as her or more successful than her. With that high criteria, many men are ineligible and those alpha males who are eligible are not interested in alpha females. They would prefer the beta females who can pamper them and treat them like God or kings. An alpha female would definitely be more assertive and demand equal respect from the men. She wants everything and demands to be treated as an equal like a man. She wants a strong man but one who she can control.

The men and women maybe successful but their thoughts of a marriage are still stereotype and archaic. Whose fault is it? If those alpha women cannot find men, why not just lower their qualification barriers? Why blame it on the lack of alpha males or others for their problems. Isn’t it their problem because they are too choosy and want only the best man?

A man who would not be intimidated by their success and who can help them in their careers and family life. What others think of him is irrelevant as long as you enjoy your success and your family life. If those alpha females cannot find a mate, it is the price they have to pay for being very successful. Life is not all about making money.

Even beta women married to very successful men can find life lonely and meaningless. What can you expect from the men married to very successful women? Many such marriages will tear and will not last. The more successful anyone of them become, the more they have less time for each other.

Life is about balances and not in having all those material things which money can buy. You may buy many things or possess the whole world but true love is never for sale..

It’s better to give love than to receive.