This is only an excerpt from his letter ... but in these lines you can feel a very strong love and passion ... Passion that has not soothed for years ...
What happened now ???? Why did men stop showing their feelings ... become rude and insensitive ... ???? Why did all sorts of material values and gifts become more important to many girls in life ...
Many remember in history .... The love of Sultan Suleiman and Khyurem (concubine, slave), their love conquered the whole world .... They loved each other so much that they changed the centuries-old foundations .... That's what LOVE means !!!!! They were ready to do anything for love ...
Nowadays, people have forgotten the meanings of the word love, loyalty and care ...
What about you ??? Why don't you please your beloved with poems, songs or words of love ??? Think .... How long have you been talking about love ???
How long have you opened your heart ???
But I believe that there are still those men who are ready to sincerely love and be loved ... Give love, care and affection to their girls and receive in return warmth, tenderness and of course LOVE !!!!!
Nowadays it is very difficult to find a worthy life partner ... With whom you can live your life in happiness and love !!!!
I wish everyone to find their person in life !!! To love and to be loved!!! I hope this site will help me in this search ....... I am waiting for you my love ......... Am I ready to open my heart for love ?? And you?
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