A bitter taste of sweet life ...
id: 10043477

How easy it is to envy the one who catches admiring glances, laughs in the face of all troubles, overcoming them jokingly ...

The one whose smile can brighten up any gloomy day ...

The one who does not remember the offense ...

But how difficult it is to believe that she knows how to cry, that somewhere in the corners of her soul pain and bitterness of loss are hiding, that the indifferent "yes, it doesn't matter" hides a storm of feelings that somewhere far away, in a dusty closet or closet hidden is a small boat made of shells, or a carefully dried flower, or a plush toy, or ... how many more of these "or", silent evidence of her weakness, which give the "sweet" life of a strong woman a bitter taste ...

You should not look into the windows of other people, because it may be you who will be happy, and they will be in trouble. And we must not forget that often a "sweet" life has a bitter taste ...
