1. How do you experience stress together and separately?
What does your partner do when he gets stuck in traffic? How does he behave if he doesn't get enough sleep? What if his parents have sudden health problems? It's even more important to understand how the two of you react to stress. Do you retreat and isolate yourself, or do you deal with it as a team?
2. How do you get along in everyday life?
Imagine that next to you is not a loved one, but just a roommate. How well do you get along? Do you agree in choosing a comfortable temperature and a sleep mode? How do you solve issues related to cleaning, cooking, home improvement, pets and guests? Who keeps the bills, and who calls the plumber if the toilet breaks down? These are prosaic, but very important questions.
3. How much and often do you discuss relationships with others?
At the beginning of the novel, it is normal to share experiences with friends and relatives. Marriage changes everything. Therefore, it is important to understand whether it will be considered treason if the wife talks about sexual problems to a friend. Or if the husband asks for family advice from the mother.
There are no correct answers to these questions. But the more your matches match, the easier it will be for the two of you.
4. How do you respond to conflict?
Learn the conflict management styles in your couple. Perhaps someone always apologizes first? Maybe the other person is always arguing? Or does one need to shout and swear, and the other just stay in silence and cool down? Think about how you can improve the situation.
Healthy relationships involve honest and respectful communication, without playing games, passive aggressiveness, personality changes, and violence.
5. Do you expect anything to change?
I've heard so many times from people whose marriage is falling apart: "She was always selfish, but I thought that everything would change when the children came" or "He was never a responsible person with money. But I thought that one day we would have a house and it would grow up."
Do you think that a partner will magically become a different person after a stamp in the passport, with the appearance of children, pets, a mortgage, a serious job, or just with time? Think again.
Perhaps it will, but the desire should come from him, not from you. If you still decide to tie the knot, accept the chosen one as he is.
6. How do you feel about money?
The more your financial views differ, the more strained the relationship will be. Here it is also important how big an apartment each of you wants to buy, how much you plan to save, how much you are willing to lend to friends or relatives, to tip the courier.
The more honestly you discuss these issues, the stronger the foundation of your union will be.
7. How much free time do you both need?
Everyone has a different need for solitude and for socializing with friends. If there is understanding and respect in a couple, then these differences can be overcome. But if one person spends all night hanging out with friends, the other is sad at home, and both do not discuss the situation, too many resentments will accumulate.
8. Where do you plan to live?
Most people have an idea where they want to settle. Perhaps in the current city, perhaps in the city of childhood or where the parents live. And there is nothing wrong if one adapts to the other. But when one has a clear idea of the place of residence, and the second does not want to finally decide or even changes his mind, wait for a disaster.
9. What do you think about the job?
Layoffs, career changes, or other work-related issues affect the family. So it is worth answering the following questions. Is there a couple of people whose work is more significant: by salary, prestige, employment, or just by attachment to it? What would happen if he lost it? Do you think that someone will earn money, and someone will sit with children? What happens if one of you gets a promotion, decides to continue your studies, or changes your profession?
Of course, you can't calculate everything in advance. But the more your ideas coincide, the easier it will be to deal with difficulties in the future.
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