12 ways to turn pains and difficulties into positive gains
id: 3096291

12 Ways to Turn Pains and Difficulties into Positive Gains
(Each of us face difficulties at certain times of life, how can we overcome them? Enjoy reading this blog post to everyone. Thank you for reading it patiently. BULENT)

There are many positive gains to be gained at the end of the difficulties and suffering experienced in the life path. Regardless of its degree, every challenge can be overcome and life will continue with new experiences where it left off.

There is a pain caused by the emptiness of leaving things behind; to graduate, to take the next step, to get out of a familiar and safe situation and move towards the thrill of the unknown. There is an enormous and pervasive pain that is felt when life breaks down all your grand plans and expectations. Or there is the bitter pain of making a mistake and the more vague pain of success that you feel when you are not as happy as you imagined you would be. The evil and back-stabbing pain of betrayal; the little and sweet sorrows of finding people that are worth your time, give your love, and enjoy being in their lives as they grow and learn; Empathy has unchanging sadness that you do not mind, so you can be with a friend or lover who is suffering and help them face their problems.

There is also that subtle and tingling pain that you feel in your whole body when you feel that on your most beautiful day, when you have a perfect moment of great success, happiness or laughter, that it will not last forever but will still live with you for the rest of your life. Everyone suffers. When we have a bad experience, we often say that we have a bad day, because we forget something very important about what we are going through: Pain is for those who are living, that is, those who are still out of time in this life. Not only do the dead feel pain, their time is already over.

1. Acknowledge your pains so that you can heal them.

Your emotional suffering is less obvious than the physical one, at least from the outside. However, it is much more common and more difficult to endure than broken bones. Hiding emotional pain, as is often done, adds to your burden. Don't do this to yourself. Of course, it is easier to say my leg hurts than to say my heart is broken. However, that doesn't mean your heart needs less attention than your leg. Actually, the real thing is the opposite.

2. Let go of things that are no longer what you are used to.

When you realize that what you used to have is no longer yours and you intend to stop attaching to what you call "mine," you suddenly feel free. There is no need to try to retain it. Still, the hardest times in life are when we let things go; this could be your possessions, your attachments, your anger, your love, or your loss. Change is never easy. Just as you fight to hold on to something, you fight to let it go. But the healthiest way to move forward in life is to let something go. It removes harmful attachments and thoughts from the past. To leave behind the pain of the past and move forward, you need to emotionally get rid of what once meant a lot to you. As we said before, it takes a lot of work, but you will find it is well worth the effort. You are in complete control of your life!

3. Break your emotional connection with your problems.

You, as a living person, are a living being, much more complex than the sum of all your problems. This means you are much stronger than them. You have the ability to change your problems and how you feel about them.

4. Treat every challenge you go through as an educational assignment.

Ask yourself this: What is this situation trying to teach me? Every situation in your life has a lesson to teach you; to be stronger, to communicate more openly, to trust your instincts, to express your love, to forgive, to know when to spare, to try something new, to learn something new and never look back.
5. Ask yourself more positive questions.

If you ask negative questions, you will get negative answers. "Why me?", "Why not me?" and "What if it were like this?" There are no positive answers to such questions. Would you let others ask you these depressing questions that you ask yourself? We don't really think so. So stop and move on to the questions that will push you in the positive direction. For example, you could start with "What can I do right now to leave this behind?"

6. Make small adjustments as you realize the parts of your life that are going well and not going well.

A large part of your life is the result of the choices you make. If there is something in your life that you are not satisfied with, it is time to make a change and make better decisions. Although this change is not easy, it is not impossible. The habits that cause us to be stuck in the same place constantly occur day by day. It is necessary to follow the same way to get rid of these habits. Focus on the small changes you can make right now, not the big things you can't do. These small daily changes will eventually have big consequences.

7. Continue walking.

Winston Churchill has a saying: "If you're going through a hellish period, keep moving forward." In other words, never, ever give up. There is a reason why there are obstacles in your life. Their purpose is not to keep you out of the game, but to give you a chance to show how much you want things. Because those obstacles are there to block other people who aren't as determined as you. The way to overcome obstacles is to be brave, Always step forward! Go over your fears, don't let anything discourage you.

8. Stay calm and focus on the positive.

Realist people see reality as concrete; optimists as mud. Be optimistic and shape the mud however you like. Think about what you've learned and build something new. In other words, see the opportunities within the challenges of the day, not the challenges within the opportunities that the day presents. Remember and remember that today is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, there is always something to celebrate. Slowing down and breathing enough to celebrate small victories creates momentum and provides the inspiration you need to look ahead and move on.

9. Consciously nurture your inner hope.

There is a saying in Tibet: Tragedy should be seen as the source of strength. No matter what kind of adversity you face or how painful experience it may be, if you lose hope, that is your real tragedy. A loss, anxiety, illness, or a dream turned upside down; No matter how deeply you are injured, do yourself a favor and stop at least once a day, put your hands on your heart and say aloud, "Hope lives here."

10. Remind yourself that you are not alone.

Losing sleep because you worry on behalf of a friend, difficulty getting up after someone lets you down, feeling incomplete when someone doesn't love you enough to stay with you, or hesitate to try something new for fear that you won't succeed… None of this indicates that you have a problem or that you have lost your mind. It shows that you are human, that you need time to come to yourself. You are not alone. It doesn't matter how embarrassed or how miserable you feel about the situation you are in; There are a lot of people out there who feel the same. If you say "I'm all alone", this is an indication that your mind is trying to make you believe a lie. There are always ways to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.
11. Pay less attention to what other people think of you.

The truth is that what people say or do gives you more clues about them than you do. The reactions people give to you are a reflection of their perspective, wounds, and experiences. If someone thinks you are great or terrible, it is more about them. Of course, what is suggested here is not that we turn into narcissists who don't care about anyone's opinions. But a large part of the frustration, sadness, and hurt in our lives stems from the fact that we take everything personal. In most cases, it is much more productive and healthy to use our own instincts and wisdom as a guide, rather than caring about other people's positive or negative thoughts about us.

12. Embrace the new and stronger version of yourself.

You are not what you used to be, and there is nothing wrong with that. You've been hurt, you've gone through many ups and downs that made you be who you are today. Over the years, many things have happened that have changed your perspective, taught you something, and pushed you to mature spiritually. As time passes, no one will stay the same, but some people will insist that you have changed. You can give them the following answer: “Of course I've changed, life is like this. I'm still the same person, just a little stronger than before. "

Remember; durability is not the result of comfort, but of stretching your comfort zone and tackling anything you used to think you couldn't handle. When you are in the most painful moment of your life, you are actually open to the biggest positive changes. After all, the strongest people are those who feel pain and accept it, learn from it, and struggle with it. They turn their wounds into wisdom and endurance.
