Stop being afraid of making mistakes
id: 3096291

Stop being afraid of making mistakes: the unique benefits of making mistakes
(Life is worth living in spite of everything - bulent)
Are you also one of those who are afraid of making mistakes? If you are, read on to start looking at error and even life from a very different angle!

One problem most of us face in our daily life is the fear of making mistakes. Especially if we have a toxic mold like perfectionism, we prefer not to start that business, not to make that speech, to stay behind or to delay rather than to make mistakes. This creates a situation that prevents us from achieving our goals, developing and revealing our potential. We cannot realize ourselves ...

The reason for this is simple, since childhood we have been taught to make mistakes as something to be avoided. But just imagine, if you fell or "made a mistake" while learning to walk, could you walk today if you gave up or couldn't take a step because you were afraid? This example inevitably leads to the following question; “What if there are contributions we are not aware of making mistakes? So is it okay to avoid him that much? " To find the answer to this question and to deepen the subject, we need to look a little bit at how the brain works.

What happens in the brain during what we do easily
Everything from reaching for a cup of coffee to thinking about writing, your longing for your lover to the anger you feel at the driver who makes you give up in traffic… It comes out as a result of the activities in our brain.

So what is happening in our brains? You can think of the brain as a huge electrical grid surrounded by neuron cells. There are an average of 1 billion neurons, and most of them are interconnected. Electrical currents are generated between the connected nerve cells. For example, in order to make a certain sentence, electrical current must be present between the nerves so that words can come out of your mouth. It may sound like a lot of technical information, but this is important; There is a region called myelin inside the nerve cells that enables electricity transmission. The stronger this myelin is, the faster the electricity is transmitted. The easier it is to speed on a very large highway, the faster the electric current can be between neural clusters where myelin is strong. The clusters where the current is fast represent actions that we can easily do, in other words, our skills.

Making mistakes to master
So if myelin is so important to be strong, how can we strengthen it? We all know that to gain a skill we have to do a lot of repetitions. Here, with each repetition, we are actually feeding and growing myelin. But there is a much more interesting fact underlying skill acquisition. Repeating the same difficulty constantly does not improve myelin. There is something we need to improve Myelin: MAKE ERRORS! it improves when we make a mistake and fix it. For example, if you constantly repeat the song you know while playing the guitar, you cannot develop myelin. When you start working on a new, unfamiliar song and learn it by making mistakes, you start to develop myelin.

In short, we can say; To master a skill it is necessary to go through a process of making mistakes and corrections. In other words, "you have to make a mistake to master." Of course, if you give up after a single mistake and quit that job, the skill doesn't improve. Therefore, not giving up after a mistake and continuing is as important as making a mistake.

From now on, when you are afraid of talking about making mistakes, starting something or taking a step, ask yourself this; "At this stage of my life, do I want to improve on this?" If yes, take a bold step, remembering the contribution of making mistakes to skill development. Remember;
"Mastery is a level that you can reach by making mistakes."

Hope you live life with the skill of mistakes! Bulent with my great love
