In human society, there have always been ideals of beauty that people have sought to conform to. In different eras, women were supposed to have a curvy shape, then lose weight, then swing the ass and insert implants in the chest, then look like an androgynous. Men, too, were periodically beaten for their unatletic build, large belly, small stature, or bald head. In the end, people got tired of being ashamed of their far-from-standard appearance, and there was a bodypositive-a philosophy that says that any body is beautiful.
What is bodineutrality?
This is a concept that suggests that you do not attach importance to your own appearance and take your body for granted, focusing on what opportunities you get thanks to it.
🟢The body is just a physical shell that does not define you as a person, does not make you better or worse than others.
🟢The value of the beauty of the human body is greatly exaggerated. In principle, we should not evaluate ourselves or other people as beautiful or ugly, because the ideas about this are very subjective and unstable, depending on the era, geography and other factors.
🟢Preoccupation with one's own appearance leads to dissatisfaction and makes one unhappy.
🟢Beauty and attractiveness are optional components for success and a happy life.
Bodineutrality offers to completely abandon the assessment of appearance — one's own or someone else's — and perceive the human body as a tool that allows us to live and perform certain actions. It is assumed that with this approach, there will be no comparisons, lies, stress, self-hatred, ridicule of other people.
❓❓❓How to be body neutral❓❓❓
1. Give up on ratings
Try not to measure yourself and other people in the categories of "beautiful-ugly". Focus on the qualities that characterize a person as a person: on his intelligence and charisma, on how contagiously he laughs, how well he moves, what kind of poetry he writes. Even if that person is you.
2. Take care of your health
Watch your diet, exercise, and get a medical checkup on time. Not in order to fit into jeans a size smaller, but in order to climb the stairs without shortness of breath, roll a child on your shoulders, swim from the heart in the sea, stay close to your loved ones as long as possible and generally spend your precious life not on hospitals, but on something more interesting.
3. Indulge yourself
Choose clothes that you like, buy cosmetics for self-care, go for a massage. Do not deny yourself bodily pleasures just because you do not fit into the standards.
4. Fix yourself on photos and videos more often
Pose in different clothes and without them. Try different angles and lighting. Smile, frown, dance, make faces. Do not worry that the photo shows skin irregularities, a second chin, eye asymmetry or stretch marks. You don't have to show the pictures to someone. Their meaning is to see yourself from the outside, in all its manifestations, without filters and successful poses. In order to get used to yourself, to get used to your body and its "shortcomings" and stop attaching great importance to them.
5. Listen to yourself
Eat if you are hungry, choose foods that satisfy you. Do not eat if you do not want to, even for company or out of politeness. Buy the clothes that you feel comfortable in, and not the ones that tighten, visually slim, distract attention from "imperfections". Do not torment yourself with physical activities that you do not like.
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