How often do we get carried away with everyday worries and forget to notice the beauty around us? But what if we can return to that wonderful state when every little moment filled our hearts with joy and surprise?
id: 10047597
26 Jun 2023
Now we will look at the concept of love from the point of view of psychology and try to understand its essence.
id: 10048207
26 Jun 2023
In this blog, we will look at some useful tips to help you find the perfect partner for life.
id: 10052433
26 Jun 2023
Sometimes in life we feel the need for a change, for the beginning of a new chapter. Maybe you want to change your career, move to a new city, or just rethink your priorities. No matter what changes you want to make, it's important to know how to start a new life.
id: 10046107
26 Jun 2023
The spread of relations that in modern times are called "civil marriage" has already occurred in our society. And if a couple of decades ago “cohabitation” was not encouraged at all, and even condemned by public morality, now this is quite tolerant.
id: 10050596
26 Jun 2023
Envy is a twofold feeling. Envy makes someone angry, nervous and passive. And someone helps to overcome themselves and become better. Is there any benefit to envy, and if so, what is it?
id: 10053121
26 Jun 2023
Read this.This is very interesting .
by Miss⭐️Saudi
id: 10054241
26 Jun 2023
Or maybe you don't know how to play golf?
id: 10052869
26 Jun 2023
Do you agree that relationships should only bring happiness?
id: 10050788
26 Jun 2023
In an age where the internet plays a huge role in our daily lives, it has also changed the way we meet. Dating sites have become a popular way to meet new people.
id: 10043175
26 Jun 2023
My sons and I want to get from Kyiv to Krakow by bus. But according to rumors, we can spend about five hours at the border. Since we could not find budget direct flights to Jordan, we decided to fly through Eilat (Israel), where you can watch dolphins in the open Red Sea. We want to stop there for a few days, and then cross the border with Jordan on foot.
id: 10044460
26 Jun 2023
Animal shelter means a lot to me
by Fitness🥇Lady
id: 10042524
26 Jun 2023
Tiramisu of Grandma Assunta 🍰 For 8 servings Preparation: 30 minutes
id: 10045646
26 Jun 2023
If you look at your furry friend right now, he will most likely be sleeping. We even envy cats - it is so sweet to nap in a tiny box from under the socks or a huge one from under the refrigerator. And even if we make a perfect royal place for the tail, velvety and luxurious, we don't always know how to teach the cat to sleep next to him, because he can sleep under the sofa, next to the toilet door or on your favorite T-shirt.
id: 10014616
26 Jun 2023
When a man is approached by his lover from a dating site, it can be exciting and a little nerve-wracking at the same time. This point is important and requires attention. So, what exactly should a man know and be ready for in this situation?
id: 10053587
26 Jun 2023
What are your hobbies?" - is one of my favourite questions to ask when getting to know someone. After all, you can learn a lot about a person from their hobbies. We are all so different, and that's wonderful! Hobbies help us stay interested in life, make it brighter and give it meaning. And when a person says that he or she has no favourite hobby, it becomes incomprehensible to me.
by Lady🔥Flame
id: 10053269
26 Jun 2023
A hobby is something we do for fun in our spare time. Why not combine business with pleasure? Let's find a hobby that will improve our lives.
id: 10046604
26 Jun 2023
Low self-esteem can cause psychological distress and stress, leading to a deterioration in physical and mental health. Self-esteem is essentially an assessment of yourself, how you see yourself from the outside and feel about your place in society. Self-esteem is an integral part of critical thinking and has a significant impact on a person's psycho-emotional state.
id: 10053135
26 Jun 2023
Love and mutual support are two essential components of a happy and healthy relationship. In our fast-paced and sometimes chaotic world, where each of us faces our own trials and challenges, these two values become even more important.
id: 10045861
26 Jun 2023
This is not a revelation at all, but rather a heartfelt monologue...and just my advice, which may come in handy to someone. For someone it is not a secret for a long time, but I came to such conclusions only after many years of soul-searching, courses, etc.
id: 10047385
26 Jun 2023
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