What makes a perfect perfume is not only the smell and the right combination of notes, but also how it makes you feel. The aroma can bring you back to childhood, remind you of a loved one, or simply evoke associations with happy memories. Perfumes also have the power to cheer up and relieve stress.
id: 10041628
14 Mar 2023
The appearance of withers is not just an aesthetic problem, but a signal from the body that you have health problems.
id: 10041628
14 Mar 2023
Some dental defects greatly spoil the beauty of a smile and cause a lot of discomfort. Fortunately, there is a popular method in dentistry that helps to make them visually more aesthetic and healthier - for a long time and, best of all, for little money.
id: 10041628
14 Mar 2023
We are all different... And the meaning of life is so as not to break each other, but to complement.
id: 10050377
14 Mar 2023
my parents brought me up very conservatively, and they said: there should be one husband for life, marriage is sacred. And with this ideology, I made a big mistake and married the wrong person. And three years later I got a divorce, and the status: "single mother." At that time, I was disappointed in relationships, in people, but, most importantly, disappointed in myself. And the Find.Bride website has become my godsend!
id: 10044460
14 Mar 2023
Nature has no bad weather))
id: 10044570
14 Mar 2023
Long distance relationships can be difficult and require a lot of patience and effort, but they can also be incredibly amazing and lead to deep and lasting bonds between people who are far apart.
id: 10043772
14 Mar 2023
In the cold season, the delicate skin of the lips needs special care. Due to constant temperature changes, cold wind outside and dry indoor air, lips can begin to peel off, become dry, and cracks may appear on them. Proper care with an emphasis on intensive hydration and nutrition will help to avoid this. This time I want to share my lip care secrets ✨
id: 10043448
13 Mar 2023
Everyone who sets a goal to run a half-marathon at the beginning is full of the best hopes: not to miss any training, except for running, to do ZFP or cross-training at least twice a week, to devote time to recovery. Great intentions! And then reality sets in
id: 10053587
13 Mar 2023
Many girls like older men. Why does this happen?
id: 10054063
13 Mar 2023
Does this word sound familiar to you? For me, yes, because it's my whole life.
id: 10048846
13 Mar 2023
What is stopping you from reaching your goals?
id: 10043516
13 Mar 2023
What is stopping you from reaching your goals?
id: 10043516
13 Mar 2023
By the end of winter, we all sometimes feel weak, tired, often visits us "spleen", bad health and mood. I want to share my methods of struggle with "spleen" ✨
id: 10052369
13 Mar 2023
The little black dress was invented by Coco Chanel in 1926 based on her concept of fashion design with simplicity of form, versatility and practicality.
id: 10048035
13 Mar 2023
Loneliness is an inevitable part of life that we all experience to varying degrees. Do you know what loneliness is?
id: 10044772
13 Mar 2023
Love is chemistry isn't it? I want to share my thoughts on the subject.💕💕
by HOPE✈️
id: 10046992
13 Mar 2023
The question of whether a man's past relationships are important to a woman is one of the most discussed topics in the field of interpersonal relationships. Many women ask this question, especially if they start a new relationship with a man who has a lot of experience dating and relationships with women. In this blog, I want to share my thoughts and experiences on this topic.
id: 10052246
13 Mar 2023
Greetings to all readers of my blog! Today I want to talk about why women often try on their men's shirts. Even though this seems strange and a bit rude to some, I'm sure it has its reasons.
id: 10052246
13 Mar 2023
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