Why is love so much spoken and written about? Maybe because the concept is very multifaceted. This is one of the fundamental themes in world culture and art, and the complexity and dialectical diversity of this concept has given rise to a significant number of interpretations of the feeling of love in different languages and cultures.
id: 10053893
21 Feb 2023
Shrovetide in 2023 in Ukraine will last from February 20 to 26. Since ancient times, Maslenitsa has been marked within a week before a great post. The date for the church calendar is due to the fact that on March 1 a great post will begin, which will last until April 15. Easter in 2023 falls on April 16.
id: 10043881
20 Feb 2023
I wish you all the warmth on this cool winter day
id: 10037854
20 Feb 2023
As a single mother, my life is full of responsibilities and challenges. From managing my job to taking care of my child, my days are always hectic and busy. But the evenings, especially after a long day at work, can sometimes be the loneliest.
id: 10049297
20 Feb 2023
The traditions and customs of Ukraine on Maslenitsa came to us from time immemorial. Our ancestors celebrated this holiday in the spring, when nature awakened from its winter sleep. The meeting of spring was accompanied by cheerful folk walks, baking golden pancakes. 😇
id: 10053121
20 Feb 2023
Maslenitsa is a merry holiday, always accompanied by songs, dances and entertainment. 💖 In addition to traditional pancakes with different fillings, they prepared pies, dumplings, and casseroles. 😁
id: 10053687
20 Feb 2023
Testosterone production depends on many preferences, proper nutrition is one of them. Cholesterol is necessary for the normal synthesis of the hormone, so it cannot be completely excluded from cholesterol. 🙌🏻 An excess of fats and simple carbohydrates that lead to obesity is not dangerous. In this case, testosterone is converted into estrogen in adipose tissue - female sex into estrogens - female polekenog, ormarmormog
id: 10052790
20 Feb 2023
Even in ancient times, people attached great importance to music. It has been a part of life for thousands of years and still remains an important aspect in every culture on our planet. 🌍 Music works as a medicine for body and soul.
by 💞ERATO💞
id: 10050818
20 Feb 2023
Good afternoon, dear men, can any of you answer the philosophical question - what is happiness?I want to share my thoughts on this.
id: 10043208
20 Feb 2023
💯💓 Check for yourself?) 💕😘
id: 10049495
19 Feb 2023
As a single mother, finding time to rest is something that can seem like an impossible task. Between work, household chores, and taking care of children, it can feel like there are never enough hours in the day. It’s easy to feel guilty for wanting to rest when there’s always something that needs to be done, but it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your children.
id: 10049297
19 Feb 2023
There are more vitamins and minerals in it than in 27 other most popular fruits in the world. Kiwi, although exotic, is quite common and affordable fruit. Its homeland is China, hence the other name - Chinese gooseberry. At the beginning of the last century, the fruit was first brought to New Zealand. It was there that he received the name by which he later became known throughout the world - they named the curiosity in honor of the unique New Zealand kiwi bird.
id: 10052419
19 Feb 2023
Pineapple is a sweet tropical fruit rich in vitamins and trace elements, the pulp of the fruit contains 58% of the daily value of vitamin C and a wide variety of antioxidants. Due to its juiciness, it is often used in salads, desserts, juice is squeezed out of it. And the bromelain enzyme it contains helps tenderize the meat, so pineapple can be added to marinades.
id: 10052419
19 Feb 2023
A detailed formula for success for a first date or casual acquaintance!
id: 10052419
19 Feb 2023
This is a must-read for women! What every woman needs to know will help you!
id: 10043516
18 Feb 2023
Being a single mother can be a challenge, but I always try my best to create a happy and loving home for my son. One of the things that we love to do together is to have a family evening where we can spend quality time with each other.
id: 10049297
18 Feb 2023
This question is often asked by people ... Many are limited to amateur photos taken with the help of a "soap box" in automatic mode with a flash, with unnatural red eyes and a flat face.
id: 10048035
18 Feb 2023
As the great psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud said: “People find reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in the world of their fantasies, imagining the fulfillment of their desires. A strong personality translates these desires into reality. The weak lives in this world of her illusions. Fantasies are embodied in the symptoms of various diseases "
id: 10052788
18 Feb 2023
Humans like to think of themselves as loyal and devoted creatures, but upon closer examination, it turns out that many animals show the best examples of maintaining a collaborative relationship. While monogamy and family bonds for life are generally rare in the animal kingdom, below is a list of animals that are out of trend.
id: 10052419
18 Feb 2023
When passion disappears in a relationship, the couple experiences one of the first serious crises: both have to wonder why there is no former fire in the relationship, because feelings for the partner have not cooled down.
by Blaсk🖤Swan
id: 10053462
18 Feb 2023
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