Finally, it seems that after all the vagaries of the weather, real spring has arrived. From time immemorial, in all cultures, this season is associated with the awakening, flowering, renewal not only of nature, but also of man himself. However, in some people the arrival of spring causes joy and elation, and in others - inexplicable depression. What is the reason?
id: 10043516
25 Feb 2023
Dessert and a little love
by ✨KITTY❤️
id: 10043768
25 Feb 2023
Many esotericists claim that tattoos on a person's body can change their fate, and changes do not always have a positive effect. Some believe that by making a certain tattoo, you can become more successful and rich, but most often such actions lead to the completely opposite effect.
id: 10047746
25 Feb 2023
Whether it was infidelity, lying, or some other form of betrayal, the scars of the past can often make it difficult to trust and open up to someone new. 💔 However, with time, patience, and a willingness to work through the pain, it is possible to find love and happiness in a new relationship! 💯
by Gentle🌸Helga
id: 10053160
25 Feb 2023
In any healthy relationship, communication is key. One of the most important aspects of communication is listening. Being able to actively listen to your partner is crucial to maintaining a strong and happy relationship💞
id: 10046970
25 Feb 2023
A woman who has reached the age of 30 can often feel the pressure of society and environment that present her with the ideal of a successful life in the form of a career, money and stability. However, despite this, she can still meet her love.
by Best🔥Shape
id: 10049999
25 Feb 2023
It would seem that what could be more natural than a bouquet of flowers as a gift? ❓But not all men consider it obligatory to make such surprises on February 14, March 8 and even the birthday of their beloved girl💕.
id: 10048577
25 Feb 2023
Will you add more if you know?) 😉
id: 10049495
25 Feb 2023
Today we will continue to adjust further routes. Ukraine is a very beautiful country, there is something to see here!
id: 10047129
25 Feb 2023
How to diversify an evening or a joint weekend?❓ You can print this article, cut it into strips, fold it, put it in a hat🎩, and then draw out one clue. Or each of you will choose what he likes, and then both of you will choose what you both like. Or try everything: even if you do it every day, then there will be enough ideas for a month.😉😉
id: 10038069
25 Feb 2023
We spend a lot of time concerned about our child(ren)’s physical health – are they eating the right foods? Staying active? Protecting themselves while playing? But how often do we take the same proactive approach to their mental health? The mental health of our children has been called to the forefront more than ever in the past year.
id: 10049304
25 Feb 2023
Not all men can please their girlfriend while being nearby, what can we say about the moments when she is far away. Communication on the Internet, as well as romantic SMS, is difficult to surprise someone, and there is not always time and opportunity to come to her personally.
id: 10048049
25 Feb 2023
Relationships and mental health go hand in hand. Humans are relational beings — we want and need to belong. But do healthy relationships underpin our mental health, or does good mental health ensure healthy relationships? Turns out, it may be a little of both.
id: 10044389
25 Feb 2023
I love astrology, so I thought I would share a little about the most important astrological events that have already taken place!
id: 10053588
25 Feb 2023
My strange but correct opinion)
id: 10046777
25 Feb 2023
As a result, the researchers were able to identify five genes that may be responsible for the relationship between dogs and humans.
by Angel😇Secret
id: 10041522
25 Feb 2023
Want to go to the gym but lack motivation? Below I consider at least three reasons to still gather courage and sign up for a workout.
id: 10039722
25 Feb 2023
If it’s cold outside, it doesn’t mean at all that you have to imprison yourself forever under a warm, cozy blanket! In winter, people also fall in love. They even go on the most romantic dates of their lives! And we have collected a few ideas for a “snowy” (or gentle?) meeting ❄️🤗
id: 10035221
25 Feb 2023
As a single mother living in the United States, the holiday season can be a difficult time to navigate. With no friends or family nearby, the loneliness can feel overwhelming at times. While others are surrounded by loved ones and making holiday plans, I often find myself feeling isolated and disconnected.
id: 10049297
24 Feb 2023
Italian cuisine is the most popular in the world. On average, 84% of respondents consider pasta and pizza tasty. At the same time, the Italians themselves like it the most (99%), and the Chinese are least impressed (59%). In second place is Chinese cuisine (78%), and in third place is Japanese (71%).
id: 10048035
24 Feb 2023
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