WARNING this blog is meant to spray the hormone of joie de vivre! Hahaha
by Khrystyna141
id: 10049034
01 Dec 2021
The power of my parents' love is an example for me of what an ideal relationship should be
id: 10048886
01 Dec 2021
Now everyone can find their circle of interests on the Internet. And I am really happy that the worldwide network has come into our lives, made it better and easier.
id: 10046515
01 Dec 2021
If you need advice - ask the book It happens that there is no one to ask for advice. We cannot make a decision in any way and we plunge deeper and deeper into an internal monologue. And it takes a lot of energy; fatigue is getting stronger, but there is no answer. An agonizing state!
id: 10040963
01 Dec 2021
The fate of a person is determined by his ability to make decisions. Willingness to act. If you were able to make a choice, if you were able to commit a decisive act, you will find a way out. A ladder will be lowered to you from above, or a locked door will be unlocked from the outside.
id: 10043632
01 Dec 2021
Doctor. He made great money: a car, an apartment - everything was excellent. And he himself is tall, athletic, smart. And he had many girls, also very beautiful and athletic. And educated. But he quickly became disillusioned; and one girl was replaced by another.
id: 10041168
01 Dec 2021
the only woman. her strength or your weakness?about the only one who is always in a man's heart
by NAT✌️
id: 10046106
30 Nov 2021
It's hard to be alone all the time! I constantly think only about the bad and about the fact that I will forever be alone. This is scary.
id: 10049297
30 Nov 2021
Yes, you are absolutely right "- said the wife to her husband. He shouted to her that she was an ugly, fat, bad mother and in vain he didn’t listen to his mother, who had warned him! He had said this before in anger, and quite often.
id: 10041168
30 Nov 2021
The scent, although an invisible part of the image, but it certainly affects how others perceive you. Therefore, it is surprising that 80% of men do not use perfumery products regularly. Most do not know where to look for information about perfumes, do not know how to choose a scent, and they are simply afraid to smell nice and stand out from the crowd.
id: 10043772
30 Nov 2021
This wonderful time of the year... Do you like it?
by VikaS1
id: 10042183
30 Nov 2021
Gifts are one of the most enjoyable moments in any holiday. Everyone, young and old, loves to receive them. But, you must admit, the joy that the gift brings depends largely on how it was presented.
id: 10037854
30 Nov 2021
They say that love has a thousand faces and it is impossible to say exactly what love is. For some people love is a beautiful picture of romance, fun, passion. For others, love is stability, measuredness, confidence. But what unites all manifestations of love is care.
by Brownie
id: 10037539
30 Nov 2021
When Halloween, Thanksgiving Day comes and goes and we officially enter December, one thing will always be true: the sooner we decorate the house, the sooner our mood will be better.
by ✅M A N G O
id: 10045374
30 Nov 2021
id: 10045501
30 Nov 2021
Final thoughts on what love is to me
id: 10048171
30 Nov 2021
Money is an important attribute of life. The impact of a person's financial condition on the quality of his life is difficult to overestimate. Money is not needed unless the saints. Therefore, most people sooner or later set themselves the task of learning how to succeed in financial matters.
id: 10047634
29 Nov 2021
I think that a little black dress will always be relevant, because it is a classic in clothes!
id: 10049297
29 Nov 2021
Every person dreams of meeting true love in life! So what is ideal love, how can you distinguish it from deception and self-hypnosis ...
by Beautiful KATE
id: 10047841
29 Nov 2021
Only love can make us feel amazingly good even on the worst day. And your loved one will definitely feel great if you remind him that he is special.
by Wonder Woman
id: 10047395
29 Nov 2021
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