There should clearly be a photo of the plinth, because during the divorce proceedings, the self-esteem of most people (especially women) tends to the plinth)
id: 10041168
08 Dec 2021
Who should take the first step in a relationship: a man or a woman?
id: 10045236
08 Dec 2021
Holding someone doesn't make sense. This is torture for all participants in the process.
id: 10038993
08 Dec 2021
Or dad, or grandparents, or one of the relatives. Life is very unpredictable, especially when it comes to birth and death. You begin to value your family at the age of a mature personality. Very often when it's too late. When someone is gone forever and forever.
id: 10048888
08 Dec 2021
Many studies claim that every partner left a mark on your life for a reason. It is better to take each lesson with gratitude in order to be happy in the future!
by Flirty❤️
id: 10040334
08 Dec 2021
What is most important to you in a person's appearance or soul?
id: 10048170
08 Dec 2021
how to recognize the only woman in life
by NAT✌️
id: 10046106
08 Dec 2021
Men, we know that you do not like her leaving cosmetics just like we, women, do not love football. Therefore, I will tell about the most basic things concerning male face care. I accounted for a phased guide, which is based on the 4th stages of skin care. Below - in detail and just about each stage.
id: 10048865
08 Dec 2021
Knowing what foods we should and shouldn’t be eating can be really confusing, especially when it feels like the advice changes regularly. However, evidence suggests that as well as affecting our physical health, what we eat may also affect the way we feel.
id: 10043850
08 Dec 2021
Thoughts about sex should not visit the head, but live there - in an adequate understanding of this action.
by AMAZING Katya
id: 10041485
08 Dec 2021
Almost everyone watched a funny movie "Groundhog Day", where the main character, falling into a time loop, lived the same events every day.
id: 10046790
08 Dec 2021
It is impossible to imagine the depth of feelings experienced by a person without feeling them on oneself.
id: 10041489
08 Dec 2021
I think a lot of people enjoy romantic dates. Romance has an awesome vibe!
id: 10049297
07 Dec 2021
A bonfire without warmth, without freshness, wind, feelings without a soul, joy without a smile, happiness without melancholy, tears without exorbitant sadness, youth without mistakes, tenderness without gentle hands, kisses without sweet lips ... not real !!!
by AMAZING Katya
id: 10041485
07 Dec 2021
“If I ask,“ What do you owe yourself? ” - what comes to mind first? "
id: 10046478
07 Dec 2021
Trying to unravel the formula of love, scientists around the world are exploring the processes that take place in the body of a person in love. And sometimes they make amazing conclusions. It turns out that love is chemistry.
by Sexy LAWYER
id: 10047577
07 Dec 2021
⠀ I must say that the product was presented obviously - I was wearing a tight thin top. I threw all the bras with cups and push-up into the trash along with complexes and interest in someone else's opinion.
id: 10044019
07 Dec 2021
After the earthquake in Japan, when rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman's house, they saw her body through the cracks. Her posture was very strange - she knelt down like a praying person, her body was bent forward, and her arms were clasping something.
id: 10040963
07 Dec 2021
Now you get to know a person, you start communicating with him, you find common interests. At some point, you begin to consider him more than just acquaintances, and you begin to consider him your friend. His bad - you are near, he wants to share his joy - you rejoice with him. You are sincerely happy with him. After all, you are friends!
id: 10043632
07 Dec 2021
It is not true that a person who loves you cannot leave you! Maybe! Trust me! Maybe! He will do it sooner or he realized that his relationship with you does not bring him joy and happiness, that, giving himself everything to you, going to everything
id: 10041168
07 Dec 2021
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