What to do after you have heard or seen the unpleasant In life, one has to see and hear unpleasant, hard, even terrible things.
id: 10040963
06 Dec 2021
I will listen to anyone, no one is planning to celebrate the New Year. Everyone wants to somehow pass it, like an exam, with a painful exertion of will. And with that awful feeling when out of 100 tickets only 50 have been learned, and the teacher is a demon.
by Sexy LAWYER
id: 10047577
06 Dec 2021
In the summer, I started a new life and bought a fitness club card. I was entitled to two bonuses - a lecture by a nutritionist and an introductory briefing by a trainer. The nutritionist was my shock.
id: 10046478
06 Dec 2021
All were at home. Well, just think, what's wrong with that, as one pensioner lady wrote. Sit yourself, drink tea, knit a blouse and watch TV. You can go out into the garden for a walk, do something, soon you need to plant vegetables. Wow, how impatient they are! What sissies!
id: 10043632
06 Dec 2021
How to “wash dirty linen in public” correctly? You can't sweep the litter out of the hut! - this is an old folk belief.
id: 10041168
06 Dec 2021
Most people might think that having money is all they need to achieve happiness. However, I do not think this way. There are many components in life that money cannot purchase. These include a state of being “perfect”, a permanent break from stress, and a relief from the dangers that lurk in the world.
id: 10044353
06 Dec 2021
Poets of all times and peoples identified women with flowers, comparing their heart with a blooming rose, lips with scarlet poppies, fragrance with a bouquet of Eden. It is possible that God, creating a woman, commanded just that ...
id: 10047622
06 Dec 2021
The paths that form under your feet with a pattern of footprints are the steps of your thoughts ...
by Wonder Woman
id: 10047395
06 Dec 2021
I'm here again, where are you?
by Beautiful KATE
id: 10047841
06 Dec 2021
I reveal to you the last 11 secret ways to achieve success and wealth ✨✨✨
id: 10047634
06 Dec 2021
I think that a new relationship is important enough. I need to find the time and energy for a new relationship!
id: 10049297
05 Dec 2021
We can unconsciously interpret the smell of blackberries with our first relationship, only because a person from that period somehow fed us a berry, against the backdrop of a sea sunset.
by Sexy LAWYER
id: 10047577
05 Dec 2021
"Oh, how cute you are, you would have eaten you!" or "I can't digest it." The topic of food in relationships got me interested and I started digging deeper.
id: 10046478
05 Dec 2021
It is perfectly normal to wait for gratitude for the good. “If you sell it, you sell it!” - everyone knows these lines.
id: 10040963
05 Dec 2021
You have met the "tox". The main sign of a bite "Toks" are not dachshunds or pugs. "Toxami" in professional slang is called "toxic people". And they write a lot about the manipulations that these poisonous people use.
id: 10043632
05 Dec 2021
What is "ladder wit"? Why can't we answer quickly? You are not worried if you could not immediately refute a ridiculous argument or respond to a caustic joke.
id: 10041168
05 Dec 2021
Sometimes we meet someone in our life to whom we become indifferent. They wholeheartedly falls in love with us, showing signs of attention, and try to gain favor.
by M❤️‍🔥
id: 10039922
05 Dec 2021
I believe in miracles this year more than ever. I want to meet you and spend unforgettable holidays. I need my man for a serious relationship
by Your💥Dream
id: 10048847
05 Dec 2021
I think that everyone loves surprises and gifts. I like to see the emotions of people when I give them gifts.
id: 10049297
05 Dec 2021
Always choosing love is difficult. But this is the only way to live! Love gives us the opportunity to Live, feeling delight from every felt moment.
by Wonder Woman
id: 10047395
04 Dec 2021
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