I hope that after my blog men will become specialists in this special topic !!!!!)))
id: 10027311
25 Oct 2017
There is another extreme. Such men do not care what lies on the plate. So, my dad can feed us one week with macaroni or fried potatoes and does not understand that it's impossible to sustain such food for more than three days. Although, of course, I'm exaggerating a little. My friend's boyfriend is a real gourmet, and often they are together. The cookie is amazing, it's cookies!
by YummyMarinade
id: 10035503
25 Oct 2017
In that blog I want to reveal a secret for men!
id: 10027311
25 Oct 2017
Hello Dearest readers! I have a few days off and i missed so much to speak with someone! Really! What do you do when you meet a woman! What do you remeber about her after the date?! When someone calls me after the date and i ask what is my color in 90 % cases they never know my eyes color!!!!!!!!!!! GUESS WHY!???? LOL
id: 10029610
25 Oct 2017
Therefore, we want to find love, we must imagine that you are already in love. Feel that feeling of weightlessness, happiness, then the ability to rejoice in small things, live a full life and believe that everything will be fine. When we know that we are loved, we seem to have a second wind.
by YummyMarinade
id: 10035503
25 Oct 2017
really beauty can save the world? or can we make our efforts to this? )))
id: 10027311
25 Oct 2017
Hello dear deaders! So happy to give my time writing this! Because it is very important for me as for a simple woman! Complimenting a girl can be different! Same as men! It could be done through many things and not only with words!!! Complimenting, giving attention is tough! Because every person wants to feel good about themselves,
id: 10029610
25 Oct 2017
Hello dear reader! I would like to represent to your attention a few ideas how to win a Woman! Let me think if you agree with following?! Please! So... Don't come on too strong early...
id: 10029610
25 Oct 2017
Is that possible to create a list that will help us to find our fate?) I would like to share with you my ideas on this matter.
by Ginny
id: 10023207
25 Oct 2017
Do you like football? Many believe that football is a purely male passion!! Although not all men like football too .. Well, why can't a woman like this kind of sport? How do you think about?
by Wonka
id: 10036980
25 Oct 2017
Natural beauty is valued not only by men, but also by women. Someone thinks that being natural and beautiful means having a harmonious and asymmetrical arrangement of the eyes, lips and nose.
by +++LOVE LAB+++
id: 10022910
25 Oct 2017
Presentation of lady to make search work out faster
by SweetPanter
id: 10037129
24 Oct 2017
I am going to answer the most difficult question I have ever heard. That is "What does a woman need?". I don't know who is reading this lines right now, a man or a woman, but have you ever thought of that? What is your opinion? Look at mine and we will see, maybe we are as close to the answer as ever.
by Flawless
id: 10034705
24 Oct 2017
Have you ever thought about the life of beautiful ladies?
by Passionfruit
id: 10025231
24 Oct 2017
How to attract love? After all, Love is the main and fundamental feeling in our life. Without love, happiness, harmony, tranquility and peace of mind are impossible. As if some of us did not resist this, but love is our everything. Many people are interested in the question of how to draw love into their lives.
by YummyMarinade
id: 10035503
24 Oct 2017
about men and women
by Anna Belle
id: 10036172
23 Oct 2017
No one knows, how many strangers we need to say goodbye to before we meet the one for us! Some people are lucky and they hit the bull's-eye from the first attempt. The others have to spend a lot of years to find a person for them.
by Dr. Nina
id: 10036220
19 Oct 2017
Every person imagine happiness in his own way. I will tell what it means for me!
id: 10029334
19 Oct 2017
How I spend my evening))) Can u image????
by LiziFire
id: 10023336
18 Oct 2017
love and relationships
by Anna Belle
id: 10036172
18 Oct 2017
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