A virgin girl! Sex after marriage!
by Bohdana-diva 666
id: 10036150
04 Sep 2017
Before unbuttoning my dress - you need to learn how to button my coat..................................
id: 10027311
04 Sep 2017
Very often representatives of the female can be found on not very feminine professions ... What do men think about this?
id: 36896
03 Sep 2017
Dear Men, Thank you for your time and attention ! I appreciate it ! You know, yesterday I watched a TV show, and they asked the man why he decided to divorce his wife. He said that he did it because she was constantly talking. She always gave him advice, and constantly monitor his actions .. They have been lived together for 23 years , but he could not stand it again and again ... What do you think about it? What the most irritate you in women`s action? Should man always dominate a woman? Maybe you can give me an example of your life ??? Maybe the woman should be quiet, humble and sweet in real life and among the people and real tigress in the bedroom ??)) Maybe she should be like the geisha and fulfill all your desires ???)) Ahahhaha You know, my mom always told me that if I will find a man who came home from work can listen how I spent my day for two consecutive hours then I'll be the happiest woman .. And you know...i believe her))) I am very interested in your opinion!!! Violetta
by Water_your_Violet
id: 10036054
02 Sep 2017
The autumn brings not only weddings,but also other exciting moments!congratulations!
by X_Tigress_X
id: 10025000
02 Sep 2017
Usually our emotions are complicated and messy, so it is important to simplify the interactions with the one beloved person. Here are some rules I follow that can help make a man happy.
by MagicNastya
id: 10034096
01 Sep 2017
The man of our dream - who is he?
by Blonde Maria
id: 10031242
01 Sep 2017
Men playing games with young girls! I'm really , sad and frustrating!
by Bohdana-diva 666
id: 10036150
01 Sep 2017
I would be interested to get answers from real men ... They are here?
id: 36896
31 Aug 2017
This blog will tell readers more about me, my hobbies and my preferences and possibly will inspire people to find out more about me privately.
by Exotic_Flower
id: 10036576
31 Aug 2017
I want to share about my search and why I am here, what is real love for me and with help of it find person who feels the same!
by LubovAmazing
id: 10010562
31 Aug 2017
Hi my cute readers. I know you are waiting for a new portion of exciting news from me. And this week I’m going to tell you about my observations. Also, I want to share some thoughts of mine. I hope you always enjoy reading my blog entries.
by Vera Nicole
id: 10036350
30 Aug 2017
In my blog I want to give some pieces of advice what should every Ukrainian woman know to marry a foreigner. I do hope that it will be interesting to read my thoughts to both, men and women and I would be really happy to know your impressions, my dear readers.
by Passionfruit
id: 10025231
30 Aug 2017
We all must learn from mistakes? In my past there was a man who had unusual desires, and one of those desires was, I had to "tell him 100 stories for the night" that was an arrangement between us. Do you understand what I'm talking about?)) I mean the joy that a girl gives a man on her knees. Now you understand what I'm talking about? Since we knew each other for a long time, and were open to each other, I was interested in this pleasant experiment...
by noodles
id: 10029462
30 Aug 2017
Which is better: a beloved woman in a hug or car in garage?
by Olga4444kiss
id: 10036440
29 Aug 2017
I believe that for your dearest and nearest person it is not necessary to perform any feats, to turn inside out and get a star from the sky. It's enough to show your sincere care and commotment.
by Dr. Nina
id: 10036220
29 Aug 2017
Human feelings and emotions are so complex and multifaceted that they often give rise to a real storm, in which it is difficult to understand what is good and what is bad.
by Jane_Barber
id: 10036173
28 Aug 2017
Lies for good. Is it really good, or does it create horrible things ...
by Olga4444kiss
id: 10036440
28 Aug 2017
life is important because it procures a state of conscience in which we can learn and develop our actions and feelings, thus elevating our spirits and souls to higher refined levels.
by Miss🔥Fame
id: 10035441
27 Aug 2017
Some people deserve the right to second chance laborious work, but to whom this chance gives life itself!
by Olga4444kiss
id: 10036440
26 Aug 2017
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