Rings are worn by many men and women of all ages and nationalities, but what is the significance of the ring on a particular finger, not everyone knows. According to the Dictionary of the Russian language, "ring - is a subject which has a circular shapeand a hollow inside. This thing, metal ring, put on fingers as a decoration or a symbol of marriage. " However, according to psychologists,it has a great importance not a ring but a finger on which it is worn.
by Wild_Flame
id: 10014367
12 Dec 2013
The Western world (USA, Canada, Germany, France or Italy) has long been referred to as a "Melting Pot," a place where different cultures, races and creeds come together to live and thrive as a community. All the world's cultures have something unique to offer, and the power of love bringing two people of vastly different cultural upbringings together is often a beautiful occurrence. However, even in my own experiences, culture is sometimes a delicate and touchy subject, and for an intercultural relationship to succeed both people must come to learn, understand, and respect one another and their respective differences...
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: Smile and the world smiles with you; cry and you cry alone. Both parts of that saying have a great deal of validity to them. But for the purpose of this post, I want to focus on the first part: that when you smile, the world smiles with you.
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
Everybody of us is looking for an ideal partner, the person who fulfills our need to love and be loved. The problem is there are so many people who can pass the first-glance test that you can be looking your whole life and not know who to select. (In the Garden of Eden) Eve: Adam, do you love me? Adam: Who else?
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
Ohh, men and women… we all are so similar and different!!) People like to believe that men and women are really different, but by nature they aren’t. We grow up imagining the opposite sex is some great mystery because everything about them seems different, and so we think it’s difficult to talk to the opposite sex. But really, men and women are very similar. They are anatomically different, but it’s not that big a difference. “Okay then,” you say. “What about the difference in the way men and women think? They don’t like the same things; they don’t talk the same, walk the same or wear the same clothes!” (Well… actually some do:))
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
It is an obvious fact that we can learn and know what true love is. What we are often not aware of though, is that there are different love trends. Does it even matter if we understand love trends? If we are in a happy relationship, then that means it is all fine, right? Yes and No. Although, your love with your partner might run smoothly for a while, it can take a turn we often never expect. This is why knowing about love trends is helpful.
by Little_Diamond_Ketty
id: 10012134
12 Dec 2013
Most people understand that communication can be transmitted through written word and speech. Books, magazines, letters, satellite, television, videos, computers, radio, the Internet, email and cell phones are vital tools used to relay such communications. However, the smile is one of the strongest communication tools, and many spend their entire lives not knowing how to properly use it.
by Top_Delicious
id: 10013637
12 Dec 2013
Let’s be honest to ourselves… marriage is tough work. It can be stressful, exhausting and sometimes unrewarding until later on. Women would like their men to be ideal but sometimes they don’t realize is that their men would like them to be ideal too. So what can we do to become the world’s best wife? According to my opinion …
by _Lilu_Sweettie_
id: 10011290
12 Dec 2013
What kind of women you like more: feminists or the meek and gentle lady? Oh, there are so many now feminists...
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
Marriage is the first stage of human society.
by Tenderly_Simple
id: 10011026
12 Dec 2013
My country, Ukraine has evolved tremendously in recent years. As most people know, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, until its unity dissolved in the early 1990s...
by Tender_WOMAN_Ludmilka
id: 10012467
12 Dec 2013
If you are a reader of my blog then you know I am a fan of LOVE...wait, I meant REAL LOVE between a man and a women. I've always tried to weigh out all options before I make a final conclusion with situations and LOVE is no exception. This brings me to the question I've been playing with in my mind for a while and I felt it was time to share this question with you, my readers. So, here goes...
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
Lately, I have been thinking a great deal about the Ukraine, my home country. Maybe it is because Christmas is not that far away, and we tend to remember home and family during this time of year...
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
As you search for women on, you will find some who are very attractive and smart but significantly younger than you – and you may find you’re interested in getting to know them better. Many people believe age is just a number, others have doubts about long-term success in a relationship with a much younger woman. You’ll find yourself wondering: Is there an optimal age difference? Could we live a long and happy life together in spite of our age difference? Will a younger wife remain faithful? What will family and friends have to say about our relationship? Can this work at all?
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
Many men search for love, happiness, or companionship and some men find it. However, many men are still looking for their perfect match. Single men are now using the Internet as an alternative to meet their soul partner. The Internet has no walls, borders or prejudice. There are no special secrets or books you can read to give you a competitive edge for finding the perfect woman. A single man must look in the right places and he will have his choice of many beautiful women. A little known fact is that many men do not know about Ukrainian dating sites.
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
Nowadays it is so difficult really to meet real and honest, open firned. Real friend is a person, who will be with you in any kind of situation in life, always will give you a hand of help, his shoulder and will put his all efforts to make you smile. Real friend will never tell bad things about you or judge you, real friend is a person who will share your secret and will always keep it inside - just between you together and you will always be sure that nobody will know it no matter what will be.
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
Meeting a Ukrainian or Russian woman for a first date will require making a first impression. One way for you to do this is by offering some sort of gift. The type of gift you choose will require research to learn about any specific customs when dating a woman that is from Russia or Ukraine...
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
You found a person into internet. It can be long or short communication, but as a result you decided to meet in reality... So what you have to do on the first date to get success.
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
Dear Friends, I have been wondered why Western men cannot find a woman for marriage and life in their home countries. The possible answer could be that many Western men are growing weary of Western women who operating at a modern, full-speed-ahead approach to life. This has led to a large number of Western men turning to other areas of the world in search for a female companion they can relate to, and have a possibility of marriage and a solid family life with.
id: 12502
12 Dec 2013
There is no couples in the world, which never get some agrues. And don't afraid it, agrues is normal, but to be health couple you have just to get out of it god way, not talk too much bad things during time you are aggresive, because it will be very difficutl to forgive after even yourself for these things.
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
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