The most important thing in a woman is her inner state. You can be able to cook delicious food, be smart and dress stylishly, but if we do not know how to create a state of flow inside, we will not become truly happy.
id: 10045646
02 Nov 2021
People should travel and explore this beautiful world because it is so beautiful!!!!
id: 10048955
02 Nov 2021
I like to make the world around me beautiful!
id: 10048303
02 Nov 2021
Do you remember yourself as a child? Do you remember how you wanted to get sweets and any interesting toy?
id: 10037815
02 Nov 2021
One person was tired of the imperfection of the world so much that he realized that it was time to remake it. No sooner said than done: a person declared to himself that he would turn the world into a wonderful place for everyone living in it.
id: 10046478
02 Nov 2021
I've found an interesting typology of people))) For someone we are lamps, for someone there are bonfires, and for someone we are lighthouses. And someone for us ... What kind of person do you think you are?
by Sexy LAWYER
id: 10047577
02 Nov 2021
This will help you better understand what each girl thinks about, so I advise you to pay attention to my next text)))
id: 10043403
02 Nov 2021
Eating well means eating whole foods, which make up 80-90% of the diet. They are rich in nutrients and are often low in calories. That is, there will be more benefits from each portion without compromising health and shape. These are necessarily cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, oils.
id: 10044011
02 Nov 2021
Everyone wants to be slim and beautiful, but very often people think that this is a painful, laborious process, consisting of strict diets and grueling workouts. In fact, keeping in shape is not difficult, the main thing is to want and take the first step. Now, during a difficult epidemiological situation, when people are in quarantine, work remotely or have made a reasonable decision to isolate themselves, it's time to take care of yourself
by Sweet🍭Girl
id: 10044466
02 Nov 2021
Indian summer is an amazing time, it's like the kiss of the bygone summer, a period of warm and dry summer weather on the eve of autumn. This is a beautiful fairy tale, a wonderful dream, colors. Indian summer and melancholy, nostalgia, mental thoughts.
id: 10046790
01 Nov 2021
I decided to tell you about the psychological effects that can explain the actions associated with money. There are many of these effects, so I will give them "in portions". So, the money illusion is the tendency of people to perceive the nominal, and not the real, amount of money, not specified expenses.
by Mature WOMAN
id: 10049151
01 Nov 2021
Every day we are given one piece and we ourselves decide where to put it, sometimes postpone for the second, third day...
by Lovely Aliona
id: 10048836
01 Nov 2021
Friendship is, first of all, the similarity of views and thoughts, feelings and needs of two people. We put in this word loyalty and the desire to always come to the rescue, empathy and joy for the happiness of a loved one, as for ourselves.
id: 10044828
01 Nov 2021
Yesterday I was walking in the autumn park and looked at the yellow chrysanthemums! Look how beautiful we are! Look at us!!!! Look how beautiful we are! This is our time!
id: 10041168
01 Nov 2021
I found the answer to this question after meeting one person. At that moment I was in very difficult life situations - I was fired from my new job and I had just parted with a guy, my "school love" ... I was very sad.
by Sexy LAWYER
id: 10047577
01 Nov 2021
Today I figured out how the head center for human design works, it is not defined for me. Human design, in short, is an instruction on how your physiological psyche works. A system that includes many other systems such as astrology, Kabbalah and the chakra system. What it is, I can tell you in more detail in the next posts, if interested.
id: 10046478
01 Nov 2021
It means one, monotonous, which does not give an opportunity to compare, feel, feel.
by KATE⚜️
id: 10048921
01 Nov 2021
What is love?
id: 10044020
01 Nov 2021
Modern secrets how to be beautiful! Men, I need your opinion!
by TooSexyToTeach
id: 10035045
01 Nov 2021
Did you know that on the night of October 31 to November 1, the world celebrates "the most terrible holiday of all times and peoples" - Halloween, also known as the Eve of All Saints Day?
by Sultana
id: 10049181
31 Oct 2021
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