Find her, this road to yourself. Learn to love yourself before demanding it from others.
id: 10046598
13 Feb 2021
In the very middle of winter, on February 14, when we are all tired of the winter cold, Valentine's Day is celebrated.
id: 10046618
13 Feb 2021
There is very little time left until the holiday that all lovers are looking forward to - the sensual and romantic Valentine's Day.
by 🔥JUICY🔥
id: 10045476
13 Feb 2021
People ... The most beautiful and weirdest creatures in the world. Everyone wants love, warmth, everyone wants care and attention, in pursuit of which they sometimes completely forget that other people have the same feelings and desires, that they also want tenderness and affection, like any homeless creature.
id: 10046790
12 Feb 2021
What is passion for you ?? How much love will you give for her? Why are you closed ???
id: 10046621
12 Feb 2021
When I was in a relationship with an American, he betrayed me. I was very sick, I was not in a relationship for a long time, and just recently I decided to find my love.
id: 10046739
12 Feb 2021
Stockings are at the same time the most popular part of a woman's wardrobe, and not the most popular part of it. How so, you ask? Everything is very simple.
id: 10046530
12 Feb 2021
I am sure that every man who lives with Ukrainian will begin to love her even more because we know how to cook very tasty, I'll tell you about this today!))
by Strawberry🍓
id: 10045632
12 Feb 2021
Love is a gift! which is not given to everyone!Take care of your love!
id: 10045511
12 Feb 2021
Few people think about how important some words are.
id: 10046623
12 Feb 2021
What do you think?
by Sweet🍩
id: 10046642
12 Feb 2021
Change makes dreams come true. They allow us to look into ourselves, helping to understand what we really want and what is the meaning of being.
id: 10046598
12 Feb 2021
Being a giving person can be both tiring and rewarding.
id: 10046683
12 Feb 2021
Today I came across an unpleasant situation, literally in an instant, my whole life flew before my eyes, it's very disappointing that this happened in the place that I visit every day, it's a pity that he didn't feel the same as I did...
id: 10045327
12 Feb 2021
One person will bring you joy, another pain, a third will give you experience in life, the fourth one wants something new.
by Ideal❤️
id: 10043479
12 Feb 2021
And after eating hugs at night, she finally realized that it is much more important in a relationship when you are loved, respected, cherished and appreciated!
id: 10036678
12 Feb 2021
If you read the date 02/12/2021 from right to left and from left to right, the number will be the same
id: 10037815
12 Feb 2021
Every woman and every man needs a hug. It is especially pleasant when these hugs occur with the senses. When everyone dissolves into them ..
id: 10046598
12 Feb 2021
In a long-term relationship, it is important to adhere to certain rules. Each couple has its own set of ideals that make up the values of the family. In addition to individual principles and beliefs, there are generally accepted laws of behavior. They are the key to trust and confidence in the partner, even in difficult times.
id: 10046615
12 Feb 2021
Valentine's Day is one of the few holidays that are celebrated with pleasure all over the world. On this day, compliments sound more often and smiles shine, the energy of high spirits and the expectation of surprises is felt in the air.
id: 10043477
12 Feb 2021
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