To please a loved one - it's so nice! Scientists have proven that both parties get pleasure in equal proportions. In other words, we try not for others, but for ourselves. But seriously, many guys do not always know what to write to a girl so that she is pleased. 😍
id: 10050256
26 May 2022
The importance of the first date is hard to overestimate. It forms an idea of each other, emerges sympathy, and decides whether to meet again and all subsequent relationships.
id: 10047134
26 May 2022
Everything that God could give good for a woman, he gave it to a Ukrainian woman)
id: 10044570
25 May 2022
How do you feel about it? For or against it? How do you overcome yourself and give them up?
id: 10047646
25 May 2022
Many of us hear about debt.BUT what if we don't have to do anything?
id: 10047308
25 May 2022
Natural structured water, pectins, organic acids, fiber, vitamins, trace elements and much more, without which the human body cannot fully work.
id: 10043850
25 May 2022
I think everyone has a favorite time of the year, I decided to tell you about mine.
id: 10048409
25 May 2022
Very often, women, trying to look beautiful, forget about the sense of proportion.
id: 10048885
25 May 2022
Is love really a bad habit? What are pink glasses? What will happen when there is no love on earth? People become kinder when they love?
id: 10048888
25 May 2022
What is male love? We are from different planets? Who would have lived on this planet? What would be the world without men? What does it take for women to stop arguing.
id: 10046003
25 May 2022
3 most effective ways.
id: 10044828
25 May 2022
How I fought for the baby not to freeze
id: 10049310
25 May 2022
All people need love, but it is this feeling that sometimes leads to problems and experiences. And the thing is that our ideas about relationships are built on extraneous views and desires, the so-called myths about love. Hence — empty expectations and disappointment instead of joy and surprise.
id: 10047634
24 May 2022
The history of mankind is a history of collisions, division of borders and spheres of influence.❕ It is a constant pursuit of conquest, the suppression of the weak and the conquest of new lands, titles, etc. This story is directly related to men. But this post is not about them.🙄
id: 10044773
24 May 2022
The answer to this question is right here...
id: 10047975
24 May 2022
To arouse the interest of a girl means to ensure the continuation of acquaintance. Girls do not linger with boring men, so you need to revive communication as soon as possible with intrigue or, conversely, with a crushing truth that will not leave you indifferent. 😻💗
id: 10050256
24 May 2022
Where to arrange an unforgettable and great date so that the girl does not remain indifferent? 😍 Where to go with a girl for the first date? Here's a list of places for a great date. 😋
id: 10047134
24 May 2022
Today I will tell you why I like to meditate and how it is useful!
by 🐱KITTY💕
id: 10044372
24 May 2022
Do you want a beautiful body??? Then put down a piece of cake and get up off the sofa. You have a guide to action!
id: 10037854
23 May 2022
What is feminine ,, I'm not offended,, .
id: 10050329
23 May 2022
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