Pamper your woman! After all, this is how you show her your love...
id: 10049770
05 Apr 2022
If we don't have what we really want, then it's profitable for us. So we don't want it that much. So it's easier for us. And we agree to what we have.
id: 10044773
05 Apr 2022
Relations between a man and a woman are truly a huge work for both parties: quarrels, mistakes, resentment, disappointment, apathy - all this sooner or later overtakes partners. However, if you overcome these trials together, then both of you are "The sea knee-deep".
id: 10037854
04 Apr 2022
The Role of Support and Love in Conflict
id: 10045906
04 Apr 2022
Ancient poets and philosophers said that true love creates and destroys, inspires and destroys, and in general moves civilization forward. There is nothing more powerful than her.
id: 10047634
04 Apr 2022
Generous Ukrainian cuisine is famous for its variety of delicious and hearty dishes. It, of course, is not at all for those people who adhere to a strict diet, but rather for those who love to eat heartily for their own pleasure.
id: 10046107
04 Apr 2022
There are myths, jokes and anecdotes about women's intuition, men are happy to ironize on this topic. Does intuition really exist, or is it just a folklore element? And is it really "female"?
id: 10049785
04 Apr 2022
Planet Earth is inhabited by different peoples. People differ from each other in appearance. Everyone has their own customs, their own history. Only air, water, and land are common to all peoples, so you need to live together in order to save all this.
id: 10043881
04 Apr 2022
Everyone understands what topic is relevant now and why it is so important to try to keep yourself in hand right now.
id: 10045478
04 Apr 2022
Here and now I would like to tell a little about my culinary skills. Who is the best cook anyway?
by KATE⚜️
id: 10048921
04 Apr 2022
We have all had relationships in this life. Romantic, friendly, family friendly. Many people say that there is no ideal relationship, maybe it is! But I want to help each of you, at least try to fix it with the help of simple and unusual rules in my opinion! FOLLOW THEM YOU WILL GET THAT RELATIONSHIPS!
id: 10044703
04 Apr 2022
Do you or your partner often say with the claim “I want to ...”?Do you want to achieve harmony and live in peace, adequately solving your problems without quarrels and scandals? Then let's figure out together what can be done to improve your relationship!
id: 10045236
04 Apr 2022
In many countries of the world, every year on April 4 - the day of the repose of St. Isidore of Seville - Internet Day is celebrated, which in 1998 was sanctioned by Pope John Paul II. However, the official patron saint of the Internet has not yet been approved.
id: 10044828
04 Apr 2022
Every year on April 4, since 2003, an unusual holiday has been celebrated - World Rat Day, created to draw attention to this extraordinary animal and designed to unite ornamental rat lovers around the world.
id: 10043712
04 Apr 2022
The peculiarity of our mentality is such that we do not like to talk about emotions. Displaying them seems indecent and inappropriate. Therefore, we hide them, which very often causes a lot of inconvenience. Isn't it easier to behave the way you want?
id: 10048049
04 Apr 2022
Change is a hard blow. You can’t just get an apology from the one who deceived, and move on as if nothing had happened. Psychologists tell you what actions to take, regardless of whether you decide to give the relationship a second chance or are going to break up.
id: 10047134
04 Apr 2022
I'll tell you a little about myself
id: 10050240
04 Apr 2022
Since ancient times, women have always wanted to look better than they really are and have always turned to different ways to improve beauty. But which ones are the best?
by Best🔥Shape
id: 10049999
01 Apr 2022
Are you one of those women who think that the chosen one is cheating on you? If so, then you most likely want to catch him in the act. Why do men cheat? Speaking about why men cheat on their wives and girlfriends, a specific answer has not yet been found. What is the reason? There are many reasons...
id: 10047134
31 Mar 2022
Reasons for fear. How fear distorts reality
id: 10043822
30 Mar 2022
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