Why am I so cool and good, but I can't get what I want. Women in most cases want a partner with a long list of advantages, just like men. Everyone wants something for himself that he cannot receive, does not meet, but to my regret, not everyone understands that he does not correspond.
id: 10043175
13 Jul 2021
In this blog I tell you what girls want and how to conquer them
id: 10046618
13 Jul 2021
Today I want to talk about our friends.
id: 10043811
13 Jul 2021
Romantic relationships, as a rule, remain in the memory for a long time, even when they do not end with a serious romance or a wedding. And then they can give pleasant moments as memories.
by Reality✨
id: 10047444
13 Jul 2021
that's why I want to find find my loved one
id: 10047129
13 Jul 2021
My dream is to visit Paris in the city of love and art
id: 10038609
13 Jul 2021
How long does it take a woman to fall in love with a man? It's not time that determines this, but a man's actions, manners, grooming, and charisma.
id: 10038543
13 Jul 2021
Hello everyone, we all have loved at least once in our lives. I want to share with you about the real feelings that everyone will find themselves here.
id: 10044703
13 Jul 2021
Too often we have high hopes for a first date with someone we are interested in. But do we always achieve our goals? To make the first meeting easy and enjoyable for both parties, there are a few rules to follow.
id: 10044452
13 Jul 2021
How much do men's tastes differ? How long can you be honest with me?
by 🦋MILA🦋
id: 10047999
13 Jul 2021
The key to a successful relationship is in the inner state of the lovers. A man likes to be with his woman. And a woman, in turn, needs to feel fragile in the hands of a man, to be behind a solid wall. To feel a real man by her side.
id: 10045906
12 Jul 2021
There is no such person who has not at least once faced a choice: to lie, saving himself, his friend, or to tell the truth, on the one hand to harm himself, on the other making his fate easier. Everyone has heard the phrase "the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie"more than once. And if you think about it, you can understand that this statement is true.
id: 10045501
12 Jul 2021
In any case, I'm happy that I got out to sea)
id: 10048207
12 Jul 2021
Trying to understand you men… Not sure I still can.
id: 10043708
12 Jul 2021
Do you have a specific goal on this site? Who would you like to find on this site? Do you think you have a future on this site?
by EAT ME🍓
id: 10047138
12 Jul 2021
Do you know what love is? Are you ready for an offline relationship ? I'm looking for a real man, not an endless chat room. What are you looking for?
id: 10047746
12 Jul 2021
Everything that happens in our world has to do with the expenditure and reproduction of energy. It is capable of attracting and holding, but it can also repel and destroy. Only by revealing one's potential and harmonizing the power flows can one establish a connection with the world and receive from it what one desires 🧠👣
id: 10038543
12 Jul 2021
It's a mad, mad world ...
id: 10039722
12 Jul 2021
In the modern world, people often forget about what is truly valuable and what can change a person's world for the better. Young people naively think that wealth, power or beauty of the body is what can really make them happy .. I think that they are mistaken due to their inexperience. But what really can make a person happy and change his life?
id: 10043422
12 Jul 2021
There are cultural differences between Ukrainian and Western women, which, as a result, leads to a misunderstanding at the first meeting. This factor scares and upsets Ukrainian women a little. The traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people and the European people have a lot in common. Namely, life values and morality, but there are also some differences between them-lifestyle, behavior and etiquette.
by ⭐️ALLURE☆
id: 10044831
12 Jul 2021
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