The connection breaks where people do not want to stand for each other to the end
by Hot Buns
id: 10041977
03 Dec 2020
Quiet on the outskirts of the city, birds are pouring outside the window, dreaming of spring. In a small kitchenette I am drinking my tea.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
03 Dec 2020
Today for the first time I consciously agreed with the opinion that there are no unattainable goals in our life.
id: 10041142
03 Dec 2020
Many people are driven by passion. Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when she meets someone and there is chemistry between the partners. After that, a person becomes obsessed with his object of sympathy.
by MakeupOlga
id: 10045349
02 Dec 2020
Your start is born of breath. From the moment when oxygen enters the lungs. You start to run like many others. And the years rush past, friends appear and you move together.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
01 Dec 2020
What is the point of having the world if no one needs you in it ...
by Hot Buns
id: 10041977
01 Dec 2020
If you really love a man, then you have to accept him for who he is and stop trying to make him into someone else
by Ginny
id: 10023207
01 Dec 2020
Good afternoon! For everyone, relaxation is a recipe and a secret. Besides, depending on what "strained" you, different ways of relaxation are required.
by MakeupOlga
id: 10045349
30 Nov 2020
Copper money in denominations of one kopeck was collected separately.
id: 10041489
30 Nov 2020
Every day is like a gray shadow that observes how other people are doing.
by Hot Buns
id: 10041977
30 Nov 2020
Show yourself as the best mirror in the world reflected in which i will see all the beauty, strength and perfection. Be an example that will reach and absorb every inch of your skin. Avoid props, I need a real leader, from whom confidence, care and most importantly, love emanate.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
29 Nov 2020
Today I want to share with you some interesting facts about Ukraine. I believe that in this way you can learn more about this beautiful country, about its culture and history.
by MakeupOlga
id: 10045349
29 Nov 2020
Can the heart be wise? Can you be vigilant when love comes like a thief creeping in the dark...
by Hot Buns
id: 10041977
28 Nov 2020
We all have our preferences, naturally. However, a story that happened to my friend made me think of their caveats...
by Bosex
id: 10043568
27 Nov 2020
Hello! I am delighted to welcome you here. Thank you very much for your interest in my blog. It means that I am not doing this in vain and it means that you and I have common interests.
by MakeupOlga
id: 10045349
27 Nov 2020
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
25 Nov 2020
Every fourth Thursday in November is a big and beloved holiday for Americans, but also a rapidly spreading tradition around the world. Thanksgiving is celebrated on this day.
id: 10041142
25 Nov 2020
How warm it becomes in your soul when you return years later to the places where you spent your childhood.
id: 10041489
25 Nov 2020
Once again you return home along the same road as yesterday, as the day before yesterday, as a year ago. The same houses, sad faces of passers-by, slush, sun...
by Hot Buns
id: 10041977
25 Nov 2020
Love until I lose consciousness, until I lose my pulse, love more myself.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
25 Nov 2020
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