Thanksgiving is celebrated only in two countries - the USA and Canada, but the celebration is known all over the world
id: 10039542
25 Nov 2020
Is it really good to step out of your comfort zone?
id: 10039541
25 Nov 2020
To be ideal in the eyes of a woman - this does not require superpowers, tightly stuffed pockets with bills and a glamorous appearance with the reflexes of a stallion ...
id: 10041142
24 Nov 2020
It is easy to loudly declare feelings when there are no problems, and the steps of needs are easily stepped over ...
id: 10045619
24 Nov 2020
We are all different. And even though we are far from each other: on different streets, in different cities, countries, on different continents, in different hemispheres ...
id: 10041489
24 Nov 2020
I am convinced that the most terrible thing in life, what destroys us and our hopes, what tears our souls apart and brings suffering is distance and time.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
24 Nov 2020
This is a test of loyalty, strength of attitude, strength of feelings.
by +KATYA+
id: 10037418
24 Nov 2020
Can you even imagine how many people prefer staying online instread living a real life? It's a good chance to meet someone on the dating site!
by Choco🍫
id: 10046074
23 Nov 2020
American culture has firmly entered to the ordinary Russian and Ukrainian citizen's life - education on Hollywood films, advertising, tastes and images has done its job, so some people know absolutely everything about the United States. But how much does this something match with reality?
by TooSexyToTeach
id: 10035045
23 Nov 2020
I think this site has a lot of talk and articles about romance and love. And this is logical, because we are on a dating site) But I would like to dilute the communication and expand the list of topics.
by MakeupOlga
id: 10045349
23 Nov 2020
Magical place that unites the heart ... How to meet a love that will last a lifetime.? :)
id: 10042930
23 Nov 2020
Sometimes it becomes clear that in our difficult life it is almost impossible to find time for what is really needed, that which will open the way for us to new achievements. And we can always find time for entertainment. Why is that?
by SLAVIC Dream=)
id: 10043640
22 Nov 2020
We are in relationship with other people. We are all connected by invisible threads throughout all of Humanity. Our relationships with relatives, friends, colleagues and society are of great importance and must be constantly analyzed, because through such relationships we develop.
by Hot Buns
id: 10041977
22 Nov 2020
The health of our body is of great concern to us. After a certain age, a person almost constantly thinks about how to improve his health. I do not mean all people, but those who think so.
by +KATYA+
id: 10037418
22 Nov 2020
Hello! I'm very glad to see you here) I believe that you did not come here by chance. It is entirely possible that I somehow caught your attention. Can you tell me what it might be? Maybe you liked my photo or do you like my articles? In any case, I thank you for giving me your time and attention)
by MakeupOlga
id: 10045349
22 Nov 2020
I often hear the expression ‘Love language’, but I always wondered if it is interesting science or not))
id: 10045554
22 Nov 2020
Night is time when people have their rest and the point is…how to make this rest pleasant and useful))
id: 10042838
22 Nov 2020
This is a fact that women and men have different attitude to their birthdays))
by PassionWindy
id: 10039423
22 Nov 2020
This is not a secret that to keep Love alive in a couple is difficult mission – not all people are able for this!
by SweetySpicy
id: 10015990
22 Nov 2020
Do you know that in what way you look in the mirror in the morning…the same way the day will be?)) Let me explain))
id: 10042054
22 Nov 2020
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