Why is Christmas in the West on December 25, while we have already on January 7? We explain - briefly and quickly!
id: 10041028
23 Dec 2020
Please accept my congratulations on the brightest and kindest holiday on earth.
by Hot Buns
id: 10041977
23 Dec 2020
Why we have Christmas in different dates?? Read!
id: 10046168
23 Dec 2020
Probably, each of us in childhood had a case when it was absolutely necessary, at any cost and immediately it was necessary to get THIS - a car or a tank, a brooch or candy wrapper, or such a necessary wooden scarecrow. A matter of life or death, nothing else. I had it - gingerbread.
id: 10041142
21 Dec 2020
Strong relationships, strong work ... Dreams ..
id: 10046240
21 Dec 2020
Of course, no one is going to die, especially if you really see this beauty, as well as meet the eyes of your loved one.
id: 10042933
21 Dec 2020
I wish you on the eve of this New Year, the sea of ​​my love and warmth.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
21 Dec 2020
Instead of looking into ourselves: hearing the heart, understanding the soul, clearing the mind - we feverishly fill life with various slag.
id: 10046168
21 Dec 2020
It's the one who is ready to walk with woman through life, realizing that the dragon is she)
id: 10044857
21 Dec 2020
The truth is that every time you arrive later than the announced time, you borrow from the person who is waiting for you...
id: 10029334
21 Dec 2020
Go where no one goes!
id: 10038502
20 Dec 2020
Is it so easy to describe a person and personality in 5 words?
id: 10038444
20 Dec 2020
Sometimes people close their hearts and never open the door to them... Please, do not be afraid to let true love enter your world.
by Flirty❤️
id: 10040334
20 Dec 2020
I want to charge the whole world with positive
by SweetKatrin
id: 10046144
20 Dec 2020
I am looking for love
by Ginny
id: 10023207
20 Dec 2020
Why do men leave some women but you can't tear others men away from others women?
id: 10045619
20 Dec 2020
Since ancient times, gingerbread cookies (honey, mint, curly, printed) were famous in Ukrain - a delicacy loved by our people.
id: 10046168
19 Dec 2020
Remember Robert Rozhdestvensky has very accurate lines "A daily miracle is not a miracle... Everyday sparkles are like rags..."
id: 10040963
19 Dec 2020
After all, once our two destinies intertwined with a strong, red ribbon on our wrists!
by Hot Buns
id: 10041977
19 Dec 2020
I can be for you what you want, but only for you ..
id: 10041142
18 Dec 2020
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