my view on female demands to men, what actually we want our men be for us
by lady-in-blossom
id: 10044137
31 Aug 2020
Two groups of subjects with high and low self-esteem were shown the same videos, where they were greeted by different actors. Some showed friendliness and genuine sympathy, others neutrality and indifference, and others dislike.
by Nice_Daria
id: 10042001
31 Aug 2020
With the advent of more and more amenities, opportunities, technologies and services (taxis, couriers, food at home, etc.) - there is less and less need to create a family, less and less worried about the notorious glass of water in old age. Is this good or bad? I'm not to judge.
id: 10043403
31 Aug 2020
We say "forever" - it means: "now I am experiencing strong feelings.
by *I R I N A*
id: 10043566
31 Aug 2020
It has already passed? Really! Wow, everyone is speaking about that now. Summer – what a lovely season it should be. Was it good for you this year?
by Bisha
id: 10041226
31 Aug 2020
i'm sure yes we all dream of finding a person whom we can entrust with something personal, intimate
by *I R I N A*
id: 10043566
30 Aug 2020
in everything! absolutely! there will not certainly be another life in order to live again and correct mistakes or do something for someone else. something very important. do you understand? start living now. now is the time.
by Kit Kate Cat
id: 10042295
29 Aug 2020
many find it very difficult to let go of the past, because memories cannot be erased. it's very difficult to do this, but if you try, everything is possible. and if you do that, it becomes much easier. because the past is the past, and if it weren't for it, you wouldn't be who you are now.
id: 10043403
29 Aug 2020
we can cry with joy or sadness or laugh when we remember everything that once was in our life. how we were small and did not even know what "adulthood" was, but simply lived without worries in our childhood.
by Deep Water Olga
id: 10042482
29 Aug 2020
Love has no age. We fall in love with a man despite gray hair and wrinkles. Love simply does not have such a concept as an expiration date.
id: 10039542
29 Aug 2020
The wisdom of a loving man.
by Delicious Cake
id: 10019002
29 Aug 2020
Everyone feels lonely sometimes, but what happens if someone suffers from constant loneliness? Should it be that way? And did you know loneliness can be actually dangerous for your physical health?
by Bosex
id: 10043568
29 Aug 2020
Where would you fly first?
by Fox_Lady
id: 10041703
29 Aug 2020
Sometimes fate plays an evil joke with people, scattering them in different parts of the Earth ... A person lived quietly, worked / dreamed ... And then, at one point, through the monitor screen, he sees her on site. Fate is gloating from above: "Come on, I'll throw such a puzzle and call it a" distance relationship "!"
id: 10043403
27 Aug 2020
Menu for better intimate life
by Sweet_kitty25
id: 10035203
27 Aug 2020
Why wide hips work on men
by _Lady___Li_
id: 10041575
27 Aug 2020
I don't often meet “sincere” people, despite the fact that everyone has a soul.
by Unana
id: 10042998
27 Aug 2020
Distance ... When we hear this word, we have a long road leading to nothingness.
id: 10043403
27 Aug 2020
Coronovirus news
by lady-in-blossom
id: 10044137
26 Aug 2020
Imagine, I just noticed that you can blog here! Cool idea actually ... I really love new things and fancy things, although in fact this is not a new idea of ​​keeping a diary, is it? Therefore, here I will write something like a diary and you can look into my world ... Perhaps you will find a place there - in my soul to my heart?
by 2020_Lera
id: 10043794
26 Aug 2020
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