From the point of view of psychologists, a kiss is a manifestation of emotions. If a person does not want to kiss, then he avoids emotions in the relationship. You shouldn't even talk about seriousness and attachment here. Remember the movie "Pretty Woman", in which the main character, engaged in prostitution, explained to her client that she "does not kiss at work".
by Dr. Nina
id: 10036220
18 Jul 2018
Something that I want to discuss. Will be nice to know your opinion. ID Profile: 17090
id: 10017090
18 Jul 2018
The most interesting I want to know is what is the difference between American and Ukrainian ladies?
by IrinaLady
id: 10030201
18 Jul 2018
Today I want to write about a very interesting topic, about money.
by DoctorElza
id: 10038240
17 Jul 2018
Hello everyone. What do you think about happiness? What does it mean for you? I will help you to answer all this questions.
by AngelQueen
id: 10016380
17 Jul 2018
do men really love beautiful ladies or they are afraid of them?
by Lady From Milan
id: 10036142
16 Jul 2018
WOW, you even can cook? You know sometimes people ask me very interesting questions like “wow, you are working?” or “how can you be such slim, did not you eat?” or “you are single?? No way, you lie.”
id: 10038350
15 Jul 2018
For fans of an exciting business - fishing begins the season. Among the spring months - May is the best time for fishing. Water warms up after winter, the fish begins to look for food and rises to the surface of the water. Excellent fishing in May can be on the lake and by the river.
by Irina_vip
id: 10037996
14 Jul 2018
What means to you the serious relations???
by Yulia10
id: 10038063
12 Jul 2018
I have already said more than once that the relationship between a man and a woman is formed much earlier than everyone thinks. Any interaction of a woman with a man already creates certain "relationships".
by Irina_vip
id: 10037996
12 Jul 2018
I have never done it, so here is my first post. Maybe some of you, gentlemen, will read it and some could agree with me and some will protest and say, “what this young lady knows about it”. Nevertheless, I am sure each of you will have some reaction on it.
id: 10038130
12 Jul 2018
First of all thanks for visit my blog. I wanna speak about theme, which worried many people. That's why I think that it will be interesting for me. And I promise that it will be interesting for You! You can write me and we can discuss it. You are welcome!)
by Alinaaa
id: 10037950
11 Jul 2018
What it is more important for men, external beauty of the woman or internal smother???
by Yulia10
id: 10038063
11 Jul 2018
A magical place to dream ....
id: 10037142
10 Jul 2018
Do you know what can be better than waking up early in the morning with your lovely man near?
by StarNataliya
id: 10014508
10 Jul 2018
Hello my dear reader! I am glad that you found time on reading my thoughts. I am trying to be sincere and write on the theme that is really bothers me.
by 1001Night
id: 10037221
10 Jul 2018
I'm curious, is it truth that men choose women by different categories.
by DoctorElza
id: 10038240
10 Jul 2018
Hello dear readers, today I would like to share my thoughts, and I hope that you will understand me.
by JaguLena
id: 10037641
10 Jul 2018
Hello my sweet readers, I hope that you will read what I have written here, and understand my desire.
by Ginny
id: 10023207
10 Jul 2018
And in general, in adult relationships there are no such concepts who is right or wrong, everyone tries to make relations better instead of figuring out who the fool is!
id: 10029334
08 Jul 2018
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