Idea of the meeting a man of my dream is spinning in my head all the time and I just feel uncertain about this more and more.
by MagicNastya
id: 10034096
01 Aug 2017
Do you have a food that is your guilty pleasure? Something you shouldn't eat all the time but it is one of your favorite things to eat? For me i am a sweet tooth! i lova candies and chocolates. But for you today i have something else to share! I am born and grown up in Ukraine. So Ukrainian traditions, food and family orientation is in my blood...
id: 10029610
01 Aug 2017
Living my life and meeting with different people on the street, shops, parties and work i always pay attention on men. i look not exactly on the man but on the type of the man. And it is always interesting for me to look after a single, married and men in candy-boquete period. they all behave different depending on their social status...
by YummyMarinade
id: 10035503
01 Aug 2017
Hello everyone! I am writing you from my bed! :) This blog needs attention of men mostly, please add what i am missing so i could use it. Passion, sleepless nights, surprises, adoring each other... people which are in long-term relations forget about all this... very often, unfortumantely. I have receipe how to keep romance in relations and I want to share my thoughts with you...
by SmellOfLove
id: 10033556
01 Aug 2017
Many men believe that clever women do not exist. Men constantly remind us that most of the great writers, musicians, physicists, biologists, mathematicians are men. Hmmmmm ....
by The Natural One
id: 10021766
01 Aug 2017
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the tracks that people leave in the lives of other people. Of course, if they leave them at all. And why do some leave them, while others do not?...
by +++LOVE LAB+++
id: 10022910
01 Aug 2017
Hello to all the members of the site!Wishing to have a good hunt for love to everyone ,i want to bring up the subject of the ladies who live in Crimea,forgoten brides,Inaccessible single ladies(
by X_Tigress_X
id: 10025000
01 Aug 2017
I'll tell you my story about how I got here on the site. Today, in the age of technological progress, people stopped getting acquainted in the metro and cinemas. From despair in the hope of finding my love, I turned to a marriage agency with the parents' blundering but secretly from the society I live in.....
by BubbleWhite
id: 10036477
01 Aug 2017
I am an adult woman with two children. I am happy for this. But what is interesting for my country Ukraine it is taboo for a woman if she wants to find a good, caring, loving man. Is it fair ?
by __Wild Amazon__
id: 10035142
01 Aug 2017
Lovely readers! Hello everyone !! I will be so please if someone will read my thoughts ! Your replies are the music to my ears ! These days i have a lot of thoughts about my life... life around us.. I noticed that we live in the world where a smile no longer means a good attitude towards you
by Water_your_Violet
id: 10036054
01 Aug 2017
It is evening right now and it is time for thoughts before sleep) I hope you will enjoy my dreams and thoughts. It is not philosophical ones - it is just my thoughts... enjoy!
id: 10036726
31 Jul 2017
Real man - who is he?? Myth or reality? Do you know right answer??
id: 10036726
31 Jul 2017
My thoughts about natural beauty and the tricks which can be done in a beauty salon...Do men really need the ladies who has unnatural eyebrows or other parts of their body ??? In this blog you will know THAT !!!
by Silver_Shine
id: 10036536
29 Jul 2017
Let's discuss one delicate topic! You do not mind?
by Tobassco
id: 10033921
28 Jul 2017
Like many others, earlier it seemed to me that self-love should be manifested in endless self-improvement, external grooming, reaching heights and choosing ideal relationships.
by Wonder_Ilona
id: 10036063
28 Jul 2017
There are so many ways to interest a girl)) I want to talk about how you can interest a girl from Ukraine)))
by SweetKitti
id: 10029016
26 Jul 2017
There's about a 100-130 people who I interact with daily, and can say that I know them well. Not quite Dunbar's number, but whatever)
by LadyLuck
id: 10032627
26 Jul 2017
Today I raise a serious topic, so all who are not serious - may pass me ;)
id: 33650
26 Jul 2017
To win the heart of a woman, and in the future to create a strong and united family, you must rely not only on emotions and heart. You will need a small theoretical information box.
by PurrrLove
id: 10034212
26 Jul 2017
By not quite a secret, I want to tell you that I have one very strong hobby that inspires me to go further and conquer new heights. Simply put, I really like to dance. This is my hobby fom my childhood. And I start from it for a reason.
by SugarSkin
id: 10035862
26 Jul 2017
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