We always are searching for happiness in independence... Firstly in independence from parents, then -from man, work, children... But is it way for real happiness?
id: 35866
07 Jun 2017
Of course, every wife considers herself perfect or very close to this, but everyone has some special features, advantages and disadvantages. This is how the sign of the Zodiac influences the behavior of women in family life.
id: 10029334
06 Jun 2017
I would like to share with you some tips, which will help you to keep romance alive for a long time in your long distance relations.
by Annusualgirl
id: 10018134
06 Jun 2017
This blog is for you from the beginning to its’ end. I want to tell you what is necessary, important and appreciated by us, ladies!))
by AngelQueen
id: 10016380
06 Jun 2017
Once upon a time, King Arthur was caught by another king and imprisoned. Then that one another king decided to release him Arthur, if he will answer on one very difficult question. King Arthur was given a year to find the answer. Execution waited for Arthur if he would not find right answer.
by Nastasiya
id: 10020370
06 Jun 2017
All men dream about being close to a perfection. What qualities should you look for in a girl to thank the universe for having such a companion in a year and in ten years... So read on my blog, which covers this topic and let's discuss everything.
by Liliia
id: 10036144
06 Jun 2017
Hello my dear readers, today I want to tell you why such a successful and beautiful woman like me is looking for a husband so far away.
by Jane_Barber
id: 10036173
06 Jun 2017
Love is impossible to buy, to beg, to get them to give. Love has no price, and therefore a relationship built on love, priceless!
by Hecate-29
id: 10036125
06 Jun 2017
Once, in a bookstore, I was just window shopping and I caught a glimpse of a book titled "How to prevent homosexuality in children." Like most parents, I would not like anything like this to happen to my son. So, I decided: why not read this book in order to try to avoid mistakes while bringing up my son.
by Vera Nicole
id: 10036350
02 Jun 2017
Love is the most incomprehensible of human feelings. No one can explain what they feel when love comes. The first love is always quivering and tender, this is the most memorable feeling that rushes through the years and always, when remembered, causes a smile and warmth in the heart. With the first experience, a stereotype of further relationship is developed, and the girl becomes either gullible and open, or closed and afraid of men. But all this is dictated by life.
by Most_Wanted_Natella
id: 10036138
02 Jun 2017
Today my blog is devoted to one of the most important topics of mankind.
by Dr. Nina
id: 10036220
02 Jun 2017
This blog is written for you, it is a hint that will help you correct often occurring mistakes in the relationship and help you to know more about the needs of a woman. I will be glad if you find it useful and you will find something useful for yourself. Love is a daily work, requiring the work of the soul at a long distance.
by Aqua Marine
id: 10036348
02 Jun 2017
Today I want to share my thoughts about the love search on the internet. Most of men in the internet start their conversation with a very common phrase which sounds like: “How is your search here?” that’s why I have decided to share my answer with everyone.
by Lady From Milan
id: 10036142
02 Jun 2017
No doubts every country has its own cultures and traditions, so when you seek a woman from my side of the world it’s better to know some peculiarities in order not to be confused and lose your chance to find your significant others. I started to get acquainted with western way of life several years ago and noticed we have some differences in very simple but so important things so I want to share them with you!
by Marywhite
id: 10022496
01 Jun 2017
When you were in love, you never thought about why you love a girl A, not a girl B? As Romer Rolland said, Love costs exactly as much as the person who tests it. Do you agree with this?
by sultrysin
id: 10036169
31 May 2017
Despite the fact that men stubbornly argue that a woman at the wheel is an analog of a monkey with a grenade, a source of increased danger and other horrors that can only be born in a good imagination, I decided to go to driving schoold and try happiness in getting driving licence!:))
by SmellOfLove
id: 10033556
31 May 2017
People, just stop for a minute and look around! Earlier men and women here were mostly smoking and drinking. It's a very bad habit and kind of drug addict. Now it's not stylish...
id: 10034504
31 May 2017
And where are women of handy work? Who cooks, watches cattle, who makes gardening, who cleans, who delievers, who repairs, who nanny..? There are lots of women builders in reality in my city and even miners! did you know? There is no No shameful work, it's shameful not to work!
by BubbleWhite
id: 10036477
29 May 2017
When you looking at me, what do you feel ? What do you like most of all in me?? I really want to hear your honest and straightforward answers ) )
by PlayfulWoman
id: 10035143
29 May 2017
Dreams ... How many emotions there are in one word, right? But every person attaches different meanings to the word "dreams", his desires, his goals ...
by Dr. Nina
id: 10036220
29 May 2017
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