Hmm let me scan you... i think your lazy ass is worn in boxers, am i right? heh You know, to be a seducer you have to work your best in gym, and spend your money-honey on lingerie and cosmetics. Well, i guess i' m lucky one, because i work in gym, have a 50% discount card in lingerie store (don't ask me what have i done to afford it!!;)) and have natural beauty.
id: 10035726
12 Jul 2017
Have you ever asked yourself if there any perfect girl on this planet? Or did they all end like chocolate candies in candy store before Halloween?
by SunnyOlechka
id: 10034935
12 Jul 2017
Well... day starts pretty well except of a traffic jam I am in right now... So many cars around me... so many broken plans and lost hopes are in the air, just because we stuck in a middle of a road and definetely will not be able to get out from here for a while.
by Alina_for_love
id: 10021364
05 Jul 2017
Hello everybody !!! My name is Marina !!!! For me, "easier" means traveling through life lightly, consuming less, dressing faster, getting rid of excess to make room for something bigger
by YummyMarinade
id: 10035503
05 Jul 2017
Dream it is feeling of wanting something specific.Our dreams these are the images that cause very strong positive emotions.Dreams capture our spirit and carry away from reality. Dreams it is the most valuable thing a person has, they light a fire in his soul...
by PlayfulWoman
id: 10035143
05 Jul 2017
Greetings to everyone! Today I want to discuss with you a topic for all time! Each of us is unique in many respects: the genetic code, fingerprints, voice ... But above all...
by sultrysin
id: 10036169
05 Jul 2017
Is it possible to keep the passion in relation forever between partners? I think, it's a quite popular question nowadays. And I know the answer! Yes, it is possible...
by Desirable_
id: 10025345
05 Jul 2017
Dear readers ! Today i want to share with you my thoughts about the slepping ! It`s very interesting topic for me and i read a lot of different articles and scientific works about this one. Have you ever had the sleep at the unknown person when travellingor maybe at your friends, your lover??? If yes, my article will be interesting for you.
by Water_your_Violet
id: 10036054
05 Jul 2017
At first glance, being a woman is easy and fun. You are surrounded by flowers, dresses, shoes, children, pies and love.
by Wonder_Ilona
id: 10036063
30 Jun 2017
I’ve been thinking about what is the most important in the relationship.
by Olga4444kiss
id: 10036440
30 Jun 2017
I think that our thoughts and beliefs determine our future. If you believe in something very much – it will happen, so if you believe in love from the first sight – you will feel it!
id: 35376
30 Jun 2017
This blog contains my reflections about our way to a dream. What can stop us on this way? Or when you desire something – nothing can be an obstacle to you… Listen to my thoughts about it…
id: 35359
30 Jun 2017
I have decided to open my heart to the world and tell about my dreams!
id: 10036627
28 Jun 2017
I'm fond of photography. Once in the evening I went to shoot the sunset. Photos have turned out quite good. . After snapping a little, I sat down on the bench to look at the photos and read the blog. It was already after 8 pm, it was rapidly darkening, and it was cold outside. On the next bench sat a guy and a girl. And there was such a conversation between them: .......
id: 10036231
27 Jun 2017
I am writing about why young girls choose older men. In any case, the recent relationship with an older man is no surprise, and it's not even uncommon, but rather the trend!
by Bohdana-diva 666
id: 10036150
27 Jun 2017
PEOPLE! Yes! Please! let me start with it and come right to the question. It is Urgent! A close person of me needs me and maybe you!!! And i cant be silent about this! PLEASE-PLEASE!
id: 10029610
26 Jun 2017
Hello everyone! I want to share with you my thoughts, in the hope of finding an interesting interlocutor. I want to discuss with you the topic of seeking ideals. For everyone, the image of an ideal woman / ideal man is definitely personal.
by sultrysin
id: 10036169
26 Jun 2017
Hello everyone! i hope that some one will take his eye on my writing. and who knows maybe oneme too! As i am open to conversations. Recently sitting in the cafe and drink tea on my lunch time i started to think about some simple things. Such is what a beauty is? I could not reply this question myself. But i very wanted to get a few answers. How do you think what is Beauty! it definitely means different for different people. What is it for you? I am very very curious. I looked around myself and this is what i saw...
by Water_your_Violet
id: 10036054
26 Jun 2017
When we see a handsome man in front of us, we invariably ask ourselves: "What do you want?". That is, what should be the ideal woman, that the man was ready to create a new cell of society and become the head of the family?
id: 30080
26 Jun 2017
Everybody knows, that boys are big fans of morning sex, but not all the girls can share their enthusiasm. I decided to weigh all the pros and cons of it .
21 Jun 2017
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