I need some beside me.. To distract me days in night for Love! When I turn off the light at home ... I'm very uncomfortable. And although there are many things in the yard of the house, it seems that everything stops.
by The Natural One
id: 10021766
09 Jun 2017
Maybe the most difficult thing it's to let somebody leave... Exactly, it's hard to learn how let somebody leave and don't blame, don't feel sorry, don't make it's a great tragedy.
by WinMyHeart
id: 10030622
09 Jun 2017
What is family for people? To my opinion, it is very important part of people’s lives. Family is the closest people, whom we love, who give us warmth and help us in difficult situations. This is home, cozy and safe. Family is your little world, in which everything is clear, familiar and expensive.
by Kiss&Hug
id: 10022425
08 Jun 2017
Love story of great opera singer and the richest man in the world can be called as a history of passionate love and humiliation.
by SeductiveBaby
id: 10019934
08 Jun 2017
I would like to thank you for the attention and secondly, be ready for something interesting.
by Flawless
id: 10034705
08 Jun 2017
By definition, risk defies common sense. While risk doesn't always make sense, and despite the fact that many people have a hard time managing the uncertainty that comes with risk-taking, risk does make life more interesting, more engaging and quite frankly, more exciting. And let's be honest, who doesn't enjoy a stir of excitement at least every once in a while? But does risk-taking make you happier?
by Storm
id: 10035987
08 Jun 2017
Have you ever thought about connection between you and your mother? It is like a strong, invisible thread, which goes through your whole life. Starting from a quiet song near the cradle, Mom becomes the most faithful friend and wise mentor.
id: 10018046
08 Jun 2017
Hello dear, my name is Nataly, we might already talk with you on or not yet, still I have finally decided to share with you my thoughts about one problem, which became a global one as I can see. This topic is an adult one and I am sure you will understand me.
by StarNataliya
id: 10014508
08 Jun 2017
Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine life without the Internet. We are looking for work through social networks, we communicate with friends, read downloaded books, we learn information from digital sources. Does search for love through the Internet have sense?
by HotPepper
id: 10016767
08 Jun 2017
Love is the most beautiful feeling on earth, given to people from above. Love is the most mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. Love makes us commit rash acts: good and vice versa. A happy love inspires person, makes him able to soar above the earth.
by SeriousLady
id: 10022113
08 Jun 2017
The true love story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most memorable and intriguing.
by TuttiFruity
id: 10024940
08 Jun 2017
Nowadays, on the one hand, there is a gradual collapse of the family as a community of native people, and on the other hand, obsessive propaganda of a lonely lifestyle for both men and women.
by Valentyna
id: 10022427
08 Jun 2017
Good whatever time of day it is where you are! I am glad that you have found some time for me) It doesn’t matter if that is day or night…
by Ginny
id: 10023207
08 Jun 2017
In the modern family, there is often a total patriarchy. But often totalitarianism rules without options!
id: 30080
08 Jun 2017
Happy and friendly family is the main life support. If we want our family to be a fortress for us, keeping us from all worldly misfortunes, it is worthwhile to work hard.
by Enchantress
id: 10019933
07 Jun 2017
Hello to all! Hope your day become better after reading my blog and you will understand some things about relations and how to deal with some stuff like too high or unrealistic expectations.
by Here4U
id: 10021957
07 Jun 2017
Dear men, I’ve found this article specially for you. I am not trying to teach you just want to explain why Ukrainian ladies act like they act. I want you to understand us better, who we are and what are our main differences.
by Fondness
id: 10024941
07 Jun 2017
A lot of men, especially on online dating sites, are confused because of the age difference between him and girl or woman, who he had chosen, which is usually become the reason for the termination of communication. To my opinion, it is completely silly and I will try to explain why.
by LovelyGirl
id: 10020706
07 Jun 2017
Hi my dear readers. I know that not only men will read my piece of information, but ladies as well, and I sincerely hope you will find even something useful from my blog.
by Passionfruit
id: 10025231
07 Jun 2017
Dear gentleman, don't forget to be attentive to your woman, if you don't want her, to become a man in a skirt.
by TastyLena
id: 10023123
07 Jun 2017
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