Hello everybody! Today I want to raise a very interesting topic! I was here for a while and noticed a very interesting thing. I've never heard that a man takes the first steps toward a girl. Why men forget that they are men? DEAR MEN!!!! when you are sitting in a restaurant and see a beautiful girl...
by __SEXY__PILL__
id: 10022315
13 Jun 2017
Hello! I am very interested how everything really works here! Does it only seems to me that i sit in a pink glasses? Have you ever had such feeling? Have you ever had a feeling that something goes not exactly as you imagined it to be? Why i say so? I will explain with pleasure. The matter is that I receive a lot of letters from men. Who are very angry. On different reasons. For example that....
id: 35316
13 Jun 2017
The happiness of a man is due to the fact that he takes responsibility. Male nature is a leader nature, which means giving patronage to others and leading them along. Therefore, if a man does not realize himself within this task, that is, he does not care about the welfare of others, he will never be happy.
by I Miss You
id: 10036412
09 Jun 2017
Everyone has stories about their friends/relatives putting alot of waste in their browsers with malicious toolbars and unnecessary applications, and you may be thinking that my grandfather managed to get the Internet's equivalent of syphilis just after moments of getting online. As it turned out, he had an odd sort of natural immunity to this dark side of the Web.
by LadyLuck
id: 10032627
09 Jun 2017
With you Marina and now we will talk about a fairly simple and at the same time difficult moment, as an acquaintance.
by SugarSkin
id: 10035862
09 Jun 2017
Happiness should be in something small and not significant.
by SweetKitti
id: 10029016
09 Jun 2017
Today listening to what happened on the street I realized there was a little unnoticed catastrophe...
by FairQueen
id: 10034852
09 Jun 2017
I'm gonna be brief today, because have lot of thoughts, but first wanna know the opinion of public.
by PurrrLove
id: 10034212
09 Jun 2017
I want to share with you the story that happened to me a few days ago.
by Anastasi@Kiss
id: 10034345
09 Jun 2017
Have you ever had such a memory that you remember your past relationship? Do you leaf through the old photo albums? Or do you look through the memories in your head? Like an old film? It seems to me that this is the aftertaste of love ..
by +++LOVE LAB+++
id: 10022910
09 Jun 2017
Hello There! I am writing here in a so bright mood! I would like to share it with you. Have miracles ever happen with you? Yes we can speak about more real wishes that may come true today or tomorrow or withing 9 month lol But also there are some wishes whcih may take a life time.
by Water_your_Violet
id: 10036054
09 Jun 2017
Most of the men are very weakly aware of how important for a woman to feel that she is loved , that you are not alone. The woman is happy when she knows: her pray for help will not be a voice crying in the desert....
id: 10032202
09 Jun 2017
How do you think what is the role suits me more? totally dependent on men, or to be independent and self? What do you think about equality, about a compromise? Should a woman take care of herself or still allowed to do this man?? ..........
by PlayfulWoman
id: 10035143
09 Jun 2017
Most man may think that a woman must or must not work. And there are of course different reasons for both variants. But i dont work because i have to or someone is pushing me to it. Just now in my life there is a lot of spare time which i redirect it to the work(it helps me to pay the bills) and study cooking which is my passion. In future i am ready to dedicate my time to my man!
id: 10029610
09 Jun 2017
Hello everyone! I am here to speak about some simple but very striking things. Sometimes when people finally meet a mate, a soulmate, start to live together... it maybe last many month to know each other. Of course it is reasonable to know a person first than marry. A few months, a year, a few years...But where is a deadline for just living together?
id: 35316
09 Jun 2017
Of course everybody can imagine that I will tell about "One million dollars ", but you will go in wrong direction . I tell about the oppotunities in your life . Things that we can come true use just our inner desires. Money it is just papers what can make your life complete but can not make you happy or succesful in your life .
by __Wild Amazon__
id: 10035142
09 Jun 2017
You know, when the darkness comes........
by BubbleWhite
id: 10036477
09 Jun 2017
I would like to say my opinion about karma. For sure I think everyone who will read this has heard about karma and it doesn't matter believe you or not. Here it's my time so if you like the begining you are may to continue reading)
by NightFlame
id: 10029226
09 Jun 2017
From the very beginning i must say that this writing is dedicated to the people who can, fantazy, reflect and is ready for something new in his life.. I hasten to share with you the very inspiring creativity of Hong Wai! For those who are not lazy to find out about him a bit information, and already saw, I must say, the author of these works by fascinating - a woman ...
by sultrysin
id: 10036169
09 Jun 2017
Women on the Internet like to talk about "what is a real man?" "A real man must..." , 'A man would never..." and all stuff like that. Honestly, I'm tired of this reasoning, because I've never found any articles about "what a real woman must be" written by a man ... Wondering, why is that?
by HottyPie
id: 10036413
09 Jun 2017
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