Probably every person has his own set which determines how good relations he wants to have and has. For someone, the indicator is joint walks under the moon, and for someone it is to work on a common business...
by The Natural One
id: 10021766
24 Aug 2017
Hello everyone! Let me share with you my special mood! The matter is that we have a day off today and holiday! The Independence Day Of Ukraine! Yes! :) Though we are many miles apart i hope that i could transfer you my tasty and happy mood today? Are you receiving? )))) So... Happy Independence Day here! Do you smell BBQ and songs from Ukraine?! haha..
id: 10029610
24 Aug 2017
Jealousy is excruciatingly uncomfortable. People sometimes try to make themselves feel better by trying to get their partner jealous. Don't do this. Flirting with other men or women all the time in front of your partner; constantly saying how attractive, fun, and witty someone you work with is; and going out of your way to talk about past lovers just demeans you and won't make either of you feel better in the long run.
by MagicNastya
id: 10034096
23 Aug 2017
The concept of beauty for every girl and every man his. We constantly try to impose it on fashion designers and make-up artists, thereby making us out of conveyer dolls. But what do men really like?
by Olga4444kiss
id: 10036440
23 Aug 2017
My friend Andrew has a talent that many men dream of...
by Anastasi@Kiss
id: 10034345
23 Aug 2017
Hello Everyone!!(Men) May i share some situation for you which happened with me today, what will be your actions?..
by Water_your_Violet
id: 10036054
23 Aug 2017
It seems to me that people make mistakes when they think that the strength lies in not being dependent on anyone and not loving anyone. You, of course, can argue with me, but for me it's just just cowardice and weakness, and no power. To be able to love is a rare gift that a person with a soul can feel.
by Dr. Nina
id: 10036220
21 Aug 2017
Hello, dear readers. It’s a new week and a new topic. What do you consider to be the sexiest female job? Here’re the top professions.
by Vera Nicole
id: 10036350
21 Aug 2017
Here are the thought to which I have come to my age. Life is so short and we have to do every act of your life as if it were your last.
by MagicNastya
id: 10034096
19 Aug 2017
It was very difficult for me to get back on my feet, but since then I'm not chasing material values, they can always be lost. The main thing is that a man would remain a man no matter what!!!...
by The Natural One
id: 10021766
19 Aug 2017
So, i have a Grandmother. Since the death of my grandfather (her husband), she misses him very much and she is very sad these days. And that's what I would like to tell you. she's calling me on the phone today and..
by Water_your_Violet
id: 10036054
19 Aug 2017
Many men many minds) But..I wish to know what do YOU think about that…How do you see the ideal first date?
id: 10017090
18 Aug 2017
That's interesting, what are men ready for their girlfriend? After all, all the guys are different, for everyone the concept of "love" has different meanings. Is the guy ready to die for love? Is he ready to give her everything? Or maybe the guy just can wash dishes for the sake of his beloved one...
by noodles
id: 10029462
18 Aug 2017
WOW! We are very very hot today! +40 degrees Celsius! Guess what I drink today, when I write to you? :) Yes!)))) That's right!)) I use kvas)) for the most part in the summer, when it's very hot and I do not feel hungry. Like now! )))) If you were in Ukraine, then we could drink a lot of this drink and even cook some refreshing soup called Solyanka! :) Are you afraid to be drunk in a foreign country? We can call a taxi directly to your hotel..
id: 10029610
18 Aug 2017
this blog about "Museums" shoes,that have every girl in which it is impossible to walk
id: 10036171
17 Aug 2017
Love of 21st. century? Yes or No?
by GingerSpice
id: 10035188
17 Aug 2017
Friendship between men and women.. Myth or reality?
by MagicNastya
id: 10034096
17 Aug 2017
As said the poet of the nineteenth century - "Love for all ages"
id: 35916
17 Aug 2017
My heart is open to love and affection, it is as gentle as a a white lily!
by Liliia
id: 10036144
16 Aug 2017
You have your vision? I do!
by SweetKitti
id: 10029016
15 Aug 2017
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