Dear friends, Building a strong relationship takes lots of love and patience, even if both people are from the same culture. If you are both from different cultures, you will need to understand each other’s background in order to get along. I believe many people become frustrated and end the relationship because they feel that the cultural barrier is too high to overcome. This simply is not true, so I have put together some tips to make your cross-cultural experience easier and more rewarding.
id: 12502
12 Dec 2013
As every woman I want to LOVE and to be LOVED at the same time… So now I am gonna to discuss some essential things that every woman needs) (Well, I am not the exception, so talking about myself too) What does woman need and want to posses??? Rather difficult question… but I am here to talk about this… So… Here we go…
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
Conflicts in relationships can arise for the smallest of reasons, but there’s a simple way to avoid hurting a partner emotionally. Find out how to deal with arguments in a relationship, by looking within. Do you end up arguing with your lover for the smallest of reasons?
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
So, what do all women really want??? During hundred years, sophists, physiologists, actually all men, tried to answer this question…Woman’s inner world is so complicated and mysterious, that it seems to mostly everyone, this question probably has no answer at all.
by LoveManager
id: 10011785
12 Dec 2013
One thing that helps relationships grow is when you do creative things together and build memories together. This includes things that one person might normally do and not the other. Take, for example, cooking. Not everyone can cook. Luckily, though, cooking is something that can be learned. More importantly, it can be shared.
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
It’s been a lot of times in my life that I faced the problem of misunderstanding. It is usually a matter of arrogance and intolerance. People simply don’t want to empathize with the others. However there’s another important reason why we don’t understand each other. It’s either ignorance or a simple lack of information about a person, it’s world, values and interests. How are we supposed to get on well if we don’t even know each other?
by CurlyGrace
id: 10010164
12 Dec 2013
How to become more lovable?! Sometimes it is difficult to understand why people turn away from you. Seems everything is good, your dress, your mood and even weather is great and sun is shinnign but nobody accept it to become closer to you. what we have to and which way we have to be to attract people?!
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
1. READ HIS BODY LANGUAGE The first tip on how to start a flirty conversation is to read his body language. Is he interested in you? Only one way to find out! Flirt with him a little, see if he responds, see if he reciprocates. Does he lean in a little just to smell? Is he giving you small little touches? If so, he’s definitely interested and the conversation should flow a little easier!
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
You may search a long time for your idea of the ideal husband and never find him because the idea does not match up with reality. Rather than concentrate on the "ideal" husband, concentrate on the type of relationship you would like with your husband. The man who is marriage material may not be tall, dark haired and ruggedly handsome with a bad boy image. Instead, look for a man who has steady employment, listens to you and spends time doing activities with you. Find a nice man who fits your relationship needs, and you will have found your ideal husband.
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
Well, perhaps I'll put a note in communication here. And we'll talk today about the frustration.
by NatalyCherry
id: 10010972
12 Dec 2013
Success is about getting all that you wanted to have. It's finding that you have achieved your goals or fulfilled your plans and it's waking up in the morning feeling victorious rather than feeling defeated.
by Olga_Emmanuel
id: 10012124
12 Dec 2013
I know that there are a lot of things which have to be in lady to become best for relations...Here are some of them, which I found have to be must! If you think I have to add something to the list then let me know, because I want to be best for my future husband and want to do all possible to get my aim. I want him to be sure that the best lady is close to him and ever have doubts.So great lady has to..
by AngelAndDevil
id: 10013267
12 Dec 2013
In life, there are times when we feel like a failure. But that’s no reason to hate yourself or think you’re no good. Understanding how to love yourself can help you cope with failure and rebuild your confidence, and enjoy a better life.
id: 12502
12 Dec 2013
So, what is happiness then? I think that happiness - isn't that the thing that all of us strive to find and keep? Nobody is happy all of the time, but some people are definitely more fulfilled than others. Studies on what makes people happy reveal that it doesn't have much to do with material goods or high achievement; it seems to whittle down to your ! So…here we go…
by _Lilu_Sweettie_
id: 10011290
12 Dec 2013
If today you admire, or falling in love with a woman, of course you wish that she also would love you. How to make a woman want you? Most of men at some point wanted to seduce a woman who irresistible. You may want that the woman will fall in love with you. You need to know that you cannot make woman fall in love to you, but you can help her fall in love with you. Here are some tips about how to make her fall in love. For this case assume that both you and the woman already know each other. However, if she does not know about you, you can introduce yourself to make she knows about your existence. Now you can follow some steps below and see the result. First, you need to always carry your confidence. Always hold the head high. Avoid criticizing yourself in the front of her or downplaying talents’ you have. Never criticize your own home and cooking. You have to be confident and happy to yourself. Of course, it naturally will make her be drawn for you. In addition, you also must not dumb down any woman because if she cannot understand your brilliance, she will move away immediately from you.
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
To determine what the characteristics of a good man are we would need to define the word good for ourselves first and weigh this up against our own conscience, beliefs, moral standards etc. Would a man be good? Who knows… The point is that we all have various definitions of what good is and possibly what the characteristics of a good man are, dependent on what our own moral standards are.
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
Even Platon pondered on why people are so willing to kiss. His theory is as follows.Previously, people looked like in the form of a ball. He had four arms, four legs and two heads, both male and female. This is one being, however, was too arrogant, and Zeus, angry, divided it into "male" and "female" half. It is only by a kiss, according to Plato, it will connect again. In any case, the separation was a punishment. Zeus was not going to give people pleasure ...
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
Love deeply and passionately. It is possible, your heart will be break, but it is only way to try the life completely. Love is one of the fundamental and general themes in the world of culture and arts. Debates about love and its analysis as phenomenon date back to the oldest philosophy systems and literature monuments known by a man. A lot of books, music works and art masterpieces were devoted to this theme. But nobody could disclose the theme of love.
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
They say that they are unreliable, selfish and did not know how to love. They say it is about men, of course, women. Is this true? Modern men are not able to truly love or they just do it differently?
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
Do you know this song? And maybe not only the song, but the situation itself? When the visits and meetings wrapped up in one - loneliness ... And it felt especially sharply in anticipation of the main holiday for Valentine's - Valentine's Day.
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
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