Each year, many ladies come to North American or European countries to get married. And the burning question on everyone’s minds, men and women, is, “why?” There are might be a lot of personal reasons, but the overall situation of the country and people is well known.
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
When a young girl marries an elderly man, society sees it as only one reason: "money". But it may not be rich! Then quite understandable!
by _Lilu_Sweettie_
id: 10011290
12 Dec 2013
I wake up with understanding that today is a weekend. I yawned sweet and looked on the window. On the curtain were playing bright rays of the sun...
by BeautyDaria
id: 10012008
12 Dec 2013
What is lovе? Poets make verses about love, love songs sound by radio, it is the lightest feeling in the world. All people want to love and to be loved.
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
Now where do I begin?!! This is one of the most important and crucial parts of a relationship. Maybe not to women, but to men, definitely! A while ago, I had attended a meeting of several counselors and relationship experts, and as the conversation rolled on, one of the women counselors told me about a chart of questions that she had prepared for women.
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
To love means to live. To love means to break. To love means to give your all. Not to take. To love means to cry, to hate & believe. To love means TO DIE. To love means TO LIVE.
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
Everyone wants to be pampered. When we were little kids, do you remember the time you wanted that expensive Barbie with all the works or that remote controlled glider?
id: 12502
12 Dec 2013
Man and woman are different from each other not only their psychological characteristics, but also fears, anxieties and different fears.
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
Love is a sublime feeling that exists in every person. Love is an integral part of our life. We can not live without it, we MUST NOT live without it. Love makes us purer, kinder, more lavish, more generous, more honest.
by StarLady_Lera
id: 10011020
12 Dec 2013
Have you ever thought, that a woman, who lives by relying on intuition, and builds a relationship “as fortune tells” can turn heads. If her subconscious desires and perceived goals are in a full harmony, it is quite possible that such an approach of building relationships with men can become a key to a real happiness. Unfortunately, it’s more common in fairy tales and soap-operas than in real life. So to be aimed at improving your understanding…what is Love– it’s valuable and important feature of woman’s character. I don’t find myself as a super-wise woman, who knows all world’s secrets:)))I just share with you some of my life experienced, my conclusions…I had lots of spare time to think over this philosophical question…How to become a happy and successful and the most important beloved woman? There s a great potential in every woman, and who know maybe my small advises will help to discover yours…It may seem, it’s tooo difficult, but actually everything is simple to achieve, when you a strong desire and belief in yourself. Let’s try to become wise women, do not fall into the web of stupid ideas, misconceptions and prejudices. Here are 4 secrets of woman’s wisdom…
by Frau_Perle
id: 10012655
12 Dec 2013
All happy people are happy identically. But for each person the meaning of this word is different. Sometimes they understand that their life is coming to an end, but they can`t explain what happiness is.
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
Maybe I should start from one “forever question”, everybody think over it all life long…Familiar for a whole world: “Are you happy???”I am not a famous scientist; I am not going to make a great scientific breakthrough in world psychology. I just want to share with everybody here some of my thoughts, and who knows, maybe my words will make you think about “forever happiness” :)
by LoveManager
id: 10011785
12 Dec 2013
There are lots of questions that come up often around the problem of our needs. The first is from guys: "What exactly is a woman looking for in a guy? And do 'nice guys' always finish last when it comes to getting a date?" The second: "As a woman, will being strong and successful scare away guys?"
by Elizaveta_bride
id: 10013765
12 Dec 2013
Not understanding each other’s requirements in a relation often remains the major reason for breakups and divorces. Hence, if you know the emotional needs of your partner you would have better chances to turn your relationship into a success.
by Marinka_Malinka**
id: 10013834
12 Dec 2013
Often you can hear from many that a woman's logic is nonsense. Of course, a little tough, but somewhere right. Men are certainly more logical in their actions...
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
Just this morning the two of us were having a conversation about the one thing every man or woman wants in a relationship. One of the things we talked about is how it's possible for everyone to give this gift to their partner, spouse or lover--but not many people do.
by TanderKate
id: 10010592
12 Dec 2013
From one side you realize that this is the same, same actions, same moves, same end... you realize that this is one of the most pleasant activities ever, that can share a man and a woman... ( or a woman and a woman, or a man and a man, but this is another story;)) Same process.... everything can be similar...
by _Euphoria_
id: 10010413
12 Dec 2013
Knowing each other becomes essential in making a relation successful. When you are in a relation it becomes important to know about that person so that you can lay the foundation for a trusting relation.Transparency and honesty should be maintained between you two and hence it becomes important that you ask questions to your partner to understand her better. Until and unless you learn about the small things about each other you can’t give the relation a definitive turn.
id: 13742
12 Dec 2013
Easter is the feast of Christ’s resurrection, which in its observance combines both pagan and Christian elements. Easter (in Ukrainian: ‘Velykden’ or ‘Paskha’) is preceded by seven weeks of Lent and celebrated on each first week after vernal equinox and full moon. It is the most cheerful holiday for orthodox believers.
id: 12332
12 Dec 2013
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