I always wondered how many people there are on the planet and that they are completely different: with different appearance, character, tastes and interests. For someone to be happy is enough to have beloved beside them and someone has a list of necessary components which is longer than one, two, or even more points. Some people prefer romantic relationships; make surprises for beloved ones, write touching sms and constantly use affectionate words. There are others, who don’t recognize all these sentiments, but also love and also in need of a loved one...
by OlesyaSincere
id: 10012091
12 Dec 2013
Hi guys! Everybody wants to look attractive. But, you should understand that only reading things on the Internet will not make you beautiful or attractive. It holds good for both men and women. Things that you have to do are not simple, but they are for sure, the best way to keep yourself attractive and beautiful. You need not slog, but keep yourself involved in things that can attract the opposite sex. Like for example, for men, the activities should involve more physical exercise and for women it can be involvement in music or singing as well. As you read on, you will understand the subtle message...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
Hello! I want to tell you today about Ukraine superstitions because they play a significant role in the social life. It's probably impossible to know all of them. Some are very common, but some are taken seriously only by a limited number of older people. It is true that most Ukrainians belong to the Christian faith. But ten centuries ago, like most Slavic people, they were Pagans. They worshiped water, fire, trees, plants, and mother earth nature. Today you still can detect the remnants of those pagan beliefs in countless Ukraine superstitions, traditions, and customs...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
A smile is one of the most simple, inexpensive and wonderful things in the world. Smiling happens without much thought. It is very natural response that shares our happiness with others. Still, often we forget about this one powerful action while we get lost in the details of today and tomorrow...
by SincereLady
id: 10011793
12 Dec 2013
Hello ! Today I want to tell you why so many men all over the world are searching for Russian or Ukrainian women. But before discussing this question in details we should clarify the concept of the “Russian women” term . When we say "Russian woman" we mean an Ukrainian woman, a Russian wife, a Slav woman. So these are all Slavonian women from the former USSR...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
The Friend Zone – the most inconvenient zone chosen for you by a person in whom you are so interested. A zone where you will always hide the best part of your feelings in order to be closer and don’t lose that “special one”...
by HeartMaster
id: 10010154
12 Dec 2013
Hello, dear Gentlemen!))) Today I want to tell about traditional Ukrainian wedding customs.They are made up of various ceremonial stages sealing the union of the groom and bride. Younger generations are in some cases following Western wedding customs, however, those from more traditional families or couples in villages still observe the wedding customs of Ukraine. A wedding in Ukraine is a solemn occasion involving important religious rituals, but it is also a time of great joy and fun-filled parties...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
I am sure you know that our people at most famous because of our big soul and passion to holidays...
by Pure_Love4U
id: 10010231
12 Dec 2013
A smart, successful and attractive wife is a valuable asset. Any man would be proud to show off to the world. Many men would like to look for a wife with those qualities. What men want and who they will marry are two different things...
by SincereLady
id: 10011793
12 Dec 2013
Men and women differ from each other not only with their psychological characteristics but also with apprehensions, anxieties and different fears. And while men more than anything are afraid of the fiasco in professional and intimate spheres of life, the women's fears seem to be more primitive. But on the other hand, they are no less significant for each of us...
by SincereLady
id: 10011793
12 Dec 2013
Why do men need wives? Why do they keep looking for it using even international dating services? Because it is suitable, because you can find out a woman you like even without standing up from your chair and sipping a fruit cocktail. But why then a man wants to find not only a woman but a woman who will become a wife for him?
by HeartMaster
id: 10010154
12 Dec 2013
Dear Gentlemen! Let me create an image of a Ukraine woman for you!;) It’s not an easy task, of course, but I am going to tell you the truth… Still if you have something to disagree with, feel free to tell me about it!..
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
Just as a person grows through particular stages of life and development, the same happens with relationships. We begin from the first stage of love and continue this journey to the most perfect form so let’s trace all this way and maybe in the end you will know on which stage you are...
by HeartMaster
id: 10010154
12 Dec 2013
It's that time of year, when romance reigns supreme. Candlelit restaurant dinners, candy, cards, gifts, flowers. Endless expressions of love. However, what I most treasure as a gift, not just on Valentine's Day, but every day, is the gift of my beloved's presence.
by SincereLady
id: 10011793
12 Dec 2013
When couples first fall in love, it is the honeymoon of a new beginning. This is a time of magic and wonder. Hearts open. Spirits soar. In this phase of love, in this expansion of our souls, we may feel we have met our soulmate. Some say the honeymoon is like a spiritual experience. But many say the honeymoon does not last forever. So it becomes important to refine our thinking about soulmates, true love, and what constitutes a soulful relationship.
by SincereLady
id: 10011793
12 Dec 2013
Everybody of us at least once during life has heard about romantic story of St. Valentine, who was joining couples despite all difficulties. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome, another one insist on his living in forth century.
by HeartMaster
id: 10010154
12 Dec 2013
Each of us are familiar moments of elation, joy and happiness. No, it does not mean that the rest of the time we are unhappy. Simply, there are special moments that make your heart beat faster, we smile broadly and cause a desire to share his joy with the world. Surely everyone remembers those moments of his life.
id: 12765
12 Dec 2013
For a beautiful Ukrainian woman (like me:)), Valentine’s Day can be the best day of the year. I know that Western men sometimes feel that women take their romantic gestures for granted, but you can be sure that a Ukrainian beauty will always appreciate a Valentine’s Day gift. Whether it is flowers or candy or perfume or perhaps something a little more personal, Ukrainian women always appreciate being appreciated and are thrilled to repay the warmth of their lovers’ kindnesses with some special warmth of their own. True, February in the Ukraine can be bitterly cold but that doesn’t mean that the fires that burn within are any less hot...
id: 11823
12 Dec 2013
When we fall in love, the world around us is changing. Although it is correct to say that we are starting to look at it from another angle. We are experiencing strong feelings and emotions, I want to shout about his love, and your loved one is constantly harping on it and call it all sorts of affectionate words. And it seems that it will always be, the passions had not weakened, romantic surprises will be regular, and the silly happy smile will not fade away because of some silly little things.
id: 12765
12 Dec 2013
Names of many Ukrainian and Russian ladies are unknown to people who live abroad. Many of these ladies' names have an English variation, but some do not have any. Some of these variations have a softer, more personal attitude to the speaker. For example, any Russian name that ends with the suffix (ochka) implies a greater level of personal attitude – Oksana – OksanochkaJ (much more pleasant to hear).
by bright_sun
id: 10010718
12 Dec 2013
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